Step#4: Focus on Brand Attributes Step#7: Keep Your Brand Visible
<br /> • What are your town's assets and attractions?What words More than 80 percent of the web sites of the 50 largest U.S.
<br /> best describe its past, present, and future?Focus on slogan cities don't even mention their official slogans,which just
<br /> attributes that illustrate your town's brand character(tradi- goes to show how little thought they give to their own brand-
<br /> tional or innovative),style(colorful or understated),tone ing.Too often,a city will spend months on brand development
<br /> (informative or imaginative)affinity(Main Street or Wall and then fail to make its new slogan and logo a visible part of
<br /> Street),and personality(playful or serious).What core values its communications. Make sure your new brand identity is
<br /> are ingrained in your town's culture? Be sure to survey the front and center on business cards, brochures,e-mail mes-
<br /> competition (e.g.,other cities and other slogans)for added sages, and the home page of the Web sites that promote your
<br /> perspective. city(e.g., city government,Chamber of Commerce,Convention
<br /> &Visitors Bureau, etc.).
<br /> Step#5: Make Your Slogan Specific
<br /> Strive for synergy and consistency among these sites,
<br /> Me-too, cookie-cutter slogans are a dime a dozen.If you bor- especially a common look and feel in the treatment of your
<br /> row another city's brand style, personality,or message,you're logo,slogan,and city colors.The creation of a style guide will
<br /> selling your town down the river.What are you proud of? help achieve this.Finally,give some thought to turning your
<br /> What are you known for?Are you merely the gateway to slogan into a web site address,such as Charlottesville's
<br /> someplace else or is there a there,there?Too many towns,which takes you straight to its
<br /> have generic mottos or monikers that sound notoriously alike C&VB site. Now that's branding!
<br /> ("America's Hometown," "A Great Place to Live,"A Place to
<br /> Call Home,"etc.). Don't go down that road. Instead,you can: Step#8: Tell a Compelling Story
<br /> • Honor your hometown hero: "Birthplace of Johnny Cash" It's the story behind the slogan and the theme that drives it
<br /> —Kingsland,AR that gives it"legs." It should be told and re-told with convic-
<br /> • • Confer a title upon your town: "Goat Ropin'Capital of the tion and enthusiasm.Since your stakeholders are your strate
<br /> World"—Gotebo, OK gic partners and strongly invested in the outcome,get them
<br /> • Emphasize something unique: "Home of the Candy Dance" on board from the get go. Early adopters make the best even-
<br /> —Genova,NV gelists.When it's time to announce your slogan publicly,make
<br /> • Play up a weird attraction: "The World's Largest Chee-to" sure you inform your team how and when you're going to roll
<br /> —Algona,IA out the new brand message.Make sure they have the talking
<br /> • Make an unusual claim: "The Poison Oak Capital of the points they need to help promote your program.You also may
<br /> World"—Forestville, CA want to take a few members of the press into your confi-
<br /> dence.Whatever else you do,publicize,publicize,publicize!
<br /> Step#6: Turn Your Brand Into an Ambassador
<br /> Step#9: Devise an Integrated Marketing Plan
<br /> Your slogan is your brand ambassador. People experience
<br /> your brand every time one of their five senses comes in con- The first six months after you announce your brand identity
<br /> tact with it.Your job is to package the most positive impres and new slogan are the most critical. Many people will be in a
<br /> sions that comprise their experience, and then brand it for state of shock;others will be totally nonplussed;and there are
<br /> them. "The Sweetest Place on Earth,"the motto of Hershey, those who will write nasty letters to the editor and turn your
<br /> PA,is a perfect example. Its brand image and message cap- fresh new branding into rancid lunchmeat.Don't worry,this is
<br /> ture the joy and happiness that people feel when they experi normal.You don't have to embrace these opinions,but you
<br /> ence chocolate. can rise above it all with a carefully-planned and well-honed
<br /> As your brand ambassador, use your slogan to make your market strategy.
<br /> town more appealing. Is it a fun place to visit?What are the An agency can provide expert guidance and the Hetes
<br /> benefits of living there? Does your motto inspire us to learn sary overview if you're planning to mount a communications
<br /> more about your town?A good brand ambassador hits all the campaign that involves print, radio,or TV advertising; collater
<br /> • emotional touchpoints. al development; e-mail marketing; and web messaging,as
<br /> well as the creation of signage for billboards, buses,and
<br /> downtown banners.An integrated marketing plan is designed
<br />