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Project Understanding <br />Southeast Corner of County Roads 10 and H2 | Mounds View Economic Development Authority 2 <br />The Visioning Process <br />The Bolton & Menk Team will lead the group through a Visioning exercise to make sure that all <br />parties have the opportunity to be heard and their opinions are expressed. Our experienced public <br />IDFLOLWDWLRQVWDIIZLOOHQJDJHWKHSXEOLFDQGEXLOGXSRQWKHFRQFHSWRI,QIRUPHG&RQVHQW±ZKHUH <br />the ultimate outcome of the design process may not be the individual’s Vision, but that they <br />understand the process and the constraints that accompany the project and understand the outcome. <br />,WLVDOVRLPSRUWDQWWRDOORZWKH&RPPXQLW\LQSXWRQWKHSULRULW\RIHOHPHQWVGXULQJWKH9LVLRQLQJ <br />process. Because of the site size restraints, the adjacency of residential property, and the limits on <br />DFFHVVWRWKHVLWHLWZLOOEHDFKDOOHQJHWR¿WDOOWKHµZDQWV¶ZLWKLQWKHVLWH7RKDYHDVWUXFWXUHG <br />prioritization as part of the Visioning process will be important to develop what is most important <br />to the Community. <br />Concept Development <br />)ROORZLQJWKHSXEOLFLQSXWPHHWLQJVDQG9LVLRQLQJSURFHVVWKHGHVLJQWHDPZLOOGHYHORS <br />concepts for the site that relate to the input and prioritization of the community, are technically <br />sound alternatives based on physical constraints, and accommodate the type of usage deemed <br />acceptable during the market research portion of the project. <br />The concepts will serve as a tool for the Economic Development Authority in seeking potential <br />development partners and as such must be a ‘real world’ solution that can be easily implemented <br />by private development and be marketable to a range of developers. <br />Market Research Methodology <br />,WLVRXUXQGHUVWDQGLQJWKDWWKHSULPDU\REMHFWLYHRIWKLVVWXG\LVWRSURYLGHWKH&LW\RI0RXQGV <br />9LHZZLWKDPDUNHWEDVHGDQDO\VLVWKDWZLOOLGHQWLI\WKHSRWHQWLDOWRGHYHORSWKHDFUH <br />UHGHYHORSPHQWVLWHQHDU&RXQW\5RDGDQG&RXQW\5RDG+0D[¿HOGZLOODVVHVVFXUUHQW <br />market conditions and forecast demand for residential and commercial real estate uses to 2020. <br />0D[¿HOG¶V¿QGLQJVZLOOSURYLGHDEDVLVIRUFRPPXQLW\OHDGHUVVWDNHKROGHUVDQGGHFLVLRQPDNHUV <br />to guide development efforts and market the City in the future. <br />7KHKDOOPDUNRI0D[¿HOG¶VDSSURDFKWR <br />conducting market potential analyses is a <br />WKRXJKWIXOLQGHSWKFRPELQDWLRQRISULPDU\DQG <br />secondary research. Primary research includes <br />surveys of existing real estate, interviews with <br />developers, builders, Realtors, property managers, <br />city and government agency staff, and others <br />familiar with local housing and commercial <br />real estate issues. Secondary research includes <br />data obtained from reliable published sources <br />LQFOXGLQJWKH&HQVXV%XUHDX(65, DQDWLRQDO <br />GHPRJUDSKLFV¿UP GHPRJUDSKLFFHQWHUVDQG <br />economic development agencies, among others. <br />Site Analysis <br />Demographics <br />Employment <br />Trends <br />Residential <br />Market <br />Conditions <br />Commercial <br />Supply & <br />Demand <br />Industrial <br />Supply & <br />Demand <br />Conclusions <br />Market Potential <br />Analysis