<br /> r1)The statistics describe consumer visitation to the area. Examples that may
<br /> spending patterns: they also reveal be analyzed in a report are: •
<br /> whether the area is a viable retail • Fairs
<br /> renter for a defined trading area. Theme Parks
<br /> ('2)The statistics are shown by types Sports events
<br /> of spending patterns. Usually, this `� Historical sites
<br /> includes eating and drinking sales. • Military installation
<br /> •
<br /> When reviewing this information you In each instance, the consultant should
<br /> ,h, tdd consider: indicate the effect of the attraction on the
<br /> • How a decline in retail sales may ; proposed hotel. (See "Sources of Infor-
<br /> suggest other economic problems. 14116'''4k: mation.")
<br /> • How a shift in area retail sales sug-
<br /> gests that traffic patterns may be • '1 Site and Area Evaluation
<br /> moving towards or away from the Kirby Payne,this article's author,
<br /> site of the proposed hotel. is manager of Management Ad- When E.M. Statler, founder of the
<br /> • I low a specific growth trend in retail visor), Services at Pannell Kerr modern, first-class hotel, was asked to
<br /> ,ales directly relates to the well-he- Forster's Minneapolis office. lie has name the three most important factors for
<br /> inv. of the proposed hotel. more than 20 years of experience in a hotel's success, he responded:location.
<br /> • i low the trend in eating and drink- the hotel industry, including location and location. Statler was not im-
<br /> ing sales may influence your plan- domestic and overseas projects. plying that there is one ideal location for
<br /> nine of facilities and services. (See Among R vne's clients: Hilton all lodging facilities, but that each hotel
<br /> ••c,,urres of information.") Inns, Southern Host Hotels. and
<br /> must he located to attract the type of
<br /> i tea Hotels of Mexico. guest for which the hotel was designed.
<br /> COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL -- - You will probably tell the consultant the
<br /> ACTIVITY type, size and on-site facilities you con-
<br /> To summarize: ensure that the stat is- template. For example:
<br /> (-,,mn>ercial and industrial enterprises tics for visitors to the project site area • Typical types include: budget hotels
<br /> venerate lodging and food service busi- are neither overstated nor understated. or motels, motor hotels. suburban
<br /> ness: therefore, trends in the type. num- Further, expect the consultant to indi- standard motels, luxury properties.
<br /> her and volume of area companies have rate tourism trends in terms of places of resorts, all-suite properties, con 410
<br /> :r direct influence on your potential mar- origin, spending patterns, met hod of vention hotels and conference c'en-
<br /> get. in evaluating an area's economy, re- transportation, and other categories such ters.
<br /> rent changes are often noire important as age, sex and income. (See "Sources • Familiar sizes:small, less than 150
<br /> than trends that extend over the years. of information.") rooms: medium, 151 to 500 rooms:
<br /> The data your consultant compiles for large. over 500 rooms.
<br /> ...,,ii should include information about the TRANSPORTATION • On-site facilities: either both food
<br /> l absorption of office and industrial space and beverage facilities, or food hut
<br /> in situations pertinent to the market base. in the section of a Preliminary Market no beverage facilities, or neither
<br /> Ifere are sonic pertinent questions: Overview on. Market Area Characteris- food nor beverage facilities.
<br /> • is the commercial and industrial tics, the discussion of transportation is A market demand study for a particular
<br /> base diversified? sometimes limited to its role as a part of concept tailored to a particular market
<br /> • is it concentrated in a single indus- the area's economic base. in such a con- segment should nonetheless include an
<br /> try or a limited number of related text, you should check to see that the fol- investigation of total demand and then be
<br /> enterprises? lowing have been considered: analyzed by individual market segment.
<br /> • Does the consultant's report tell • The relationship of any transports- This permits flexibility about concept.
<br /> you whether the area's major husi- tion trends, such as the number of Choosing an area and site is the first
<br /> nesses are equally sensitive to the airline passengers or highway in a series of critical decisions that affect
<br /> ups and downs in the economy? motorists, to the proposed hotel. the eventual success of a hotel. Usually.
<br /> • How does all this information relate • How any current or planned this choice has been made when a consul-
<br /> to the proposed hotel's possible oc- changes in airports, freeways, toll tant is asked to give an opinion on
<br /> enpancy cycle and volume potential? roads, or local access roads will af- whether the site is suitable for the type
<br /> (Secy "Sources of information.") feet the proposed hotel. and class of property contemplated and
<br /> Transportation is also discussed in sec- designed to serve one or several market
<br /> TOURISM tions in this article on Project Site and segments.
<br /> Area Evaluation and in a future article Consequently, you — the user of a re-
<br /> Not all definitions of tourism are prac- (iii)under Demand Analysis and Recon- port— should expect to find in the "Pmj-
<br /> tical in the context of the hospitality in- mended Facilities and Services. (See ect Site and Area Evaluation" section a
<br /> dnstrv. Most people define a tourist as "Sources of information.") detailed analysis of factors affecting the
<br /> a vacationer. Re sure that your consul- desirability and convenience of the prop-
<br /> rant, in a market overview, uses sources AREA ATTRACTIONS erty for the expected demand.
<br /> that define a tourist as a visitor to the
<br /> area for business as well as personal rea- Attractions may he included in a Prelim- ACCESSIBILITY
<br /> ,:ons. The consultant should also know nary Market Overview report if they
<br /> h,iw length of stay relates to the definition serve as a major economic base of the The report should show the location of
<br /> of a tourist. community and are a primary reason for the site on a map, describe the site's
<br /> 2 I 1.f l)GiNG/NOVEMBER 1987
<br />