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• <br /> r _ HGTEL DEVELOPMENT: ASSESSING THE MARKET <br /> i:by_i,al hotindaries and topographical fen- lodging facilities in the market area. This ; ing concentration aind development in or1110 <br /> - <br /> tures. and review surrounding land use. list of competitive properties is valuable der to put the subject (proposed hotel) <br /> it •:h((nid analyze the site's relation to I not only for determining market feasibility into context. <br /> market generators (attractions, major hut also for establishing marketing strafe- 1i ur direct competition --- that is. prop- <br /> ' modes of transportation). gies. A feasibility report can help you de- ernes that will he competing with you for <br /> ' 1%tn need to know how market genera- I )ermine: the s:ime markets ---is defined by c•onsid- <br /> t,,rs and modes of transportation relate • The type and volume of demand for ering these factors: <br /> to the site's accecsihility. Part of the ap- both lodging and food service faciii_ -- Date opened <br /> 1, :,l' 1 a '-elf contained resort. convention Iles. I Percentage` of occupancy I <br /> hotel or conference renter may he (lis- • The adequacy with which the cool- 1 - l.ra';Ition <br /> t:mre from main traffic arteries. The op- petition satisfies the demand. -- Room rates <br /> p'usite may be true of hotels dependent • The strengths and limitations of the -- Market mix <br /> . on antornohile travelers who are sensitive competition. -- Facilities and services <br /> to a hotel's accessibility. • The paints of difference that must i'h}•siral condition of facilities <br /> , in the latter case, a market study he established between your hotel • Chain or referral affiliation <br /> =herald detail planned changes to road- and the competition. -- Perception among guests <br />•s and streets that provide access to The last item can form the foundation The precise natter of the hotel you <br /> the project site: to bypasses being (lis- for your marketing strategy development. propose to create u•will determine the <br /> ,;s..ed and their potential impact. ....._ _ - _ I emphasis you place on each of these <br /> . The report should analyze ease of site factors. <br /> ingress and egress. Turning against nn- Vour consultant should analyze the ef- <br /> (ocning traffic or having to cope with one- feet that your new property.• will have on <br /> '.a greets may he bothersome but not ‘Cnalyzing differences I existing competition. For example. a hotel <br /> n''r•ssarily damaging to business. in alocated next door may be v aluatel as <br /> between you and your <br /> highly competitive market, however, re- non-competitive because of ,art-dated <br /> <Irarttons on turns into or out of the site competition can help form I furnishings or a reputation for poor ser- <br /> a.- 'yell as other inconveniences in accessvice. Rut what if competition fr:•rn you <br /> ?nay affect the level of business. your marketing strategy s I prompts the competitor to refurhi- 1 and <br /> foundation. ,..1 update his services and marketing st:-lte- <br /> VISIBILITY gies? • <br /> Even though most travel today is with <br /> ---- - — - - POTENTIAL COMPETITION <br /> a'hanre reservation, site visibility may he <br /> an important factor for a roadside opera- The report can help you in such areas as A further consideration in the Supply <br /> lion. particularly if there is no other way facility concept and design, pricing, ad- and Demand Analysis in a market study <br /> to provide motorists sufficient warning to i vertising and promotion strategies. and is a report on future accommodations in <br /> exit on the proper access route. This operating policies. (See "Sources of in- various stages of development: (I)under <br /> could affect reservations and walk-in husi- fornntion" under "Market Supply and discussion: (2) announced: and ( 3) al- <br /> nes, Demand...) ready tinder construction. <br /> Not all lodging projects that are pro- <br /> ADANIABILITY PRESENT COMPETITION posed (or even ill actually <br /> be built. Projectsrthat already nounced) "have build- <br /> \ market study to determine whether You should assist your consultant (con- ing permits and financing are likely cont- <br /> 'h' re i-z a strong enough customer base suiting firm)as much as possible in evalu- petition. Projects merely "under discus- , <br /> !o. <nt,port a hotel may also contain ating existing lodging properties and in sign" should he analyzed by your consul- <br /> 'tmnlendations on the adaptability of identifying potential competitors. tint in terms of probable completion. <br /> the ,ate for the proposed hotel. The consultant, on the other hand. Factors are (1) principals involved: (2) <br /> The '(msultant should review the int- should research other types of conlpeti- management affiliation, and(3)economic <br /> i'a'-t of environmental items on the site. live enterprise (e.g., condominium ren- j climate. (See "Sources of information.") <br /> i•-,r example, what are the potential (lis- tals in a resort area) that you Wright have <br /> turhanres caused by,the traffic noises? overlooked as possibly competitive. <br /> Whether the Consultant or your own Your report should analyze lodging de- T et us review briefly what has been dis- <br /> ' an hiterts and attorneys examine building velopment in the competitive area in rela- Lcussed about the requirements of a <br /> (ides aril zone restrictions is up to you, lion to t ype, size, location and class. I market report and what is necessary to <br /> if you are commissioning the market Since in America—by contrast to Europe consider further. <br /> ,.ttl'iy. The purpose of such an exanrina- -- there is no government or industry The Market Area Characteristics <br /> tion 'AI nld he to determine if the size and classification of hotels. "class" is often ' portion of a report defines the market <br /> shape of the land are suitable for the par- defined in terms of the level of room areas within which the proposed hotel will <br /> titular fcility. rates. function. it also indicates the economic <br /> ID <br /> The consultant usually evaluates exist- base which, in most cases.affects transi- <br /> ing lodging facilities by such means as on- eat business and food and beverage <br /> Supply and Demand site inspections. reviews of directories I patronage. (See above: population, in- <br /> (chain, Mobil, AAA)and interviews with come. employment. retail sales.comnter- <br /> A Supply and Demand Analysis in a property managers.Then coniesI <br /> a group- cial and industrial activity, tourism and <br /> 1 market report inventories competitive ing of the total supply into centers of lodg- I transportation.) Contour,/ <br /> ')R i Oncit\m./NTf1VFmnFR 1c)R7 <br />