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12-06-2004 SPECIAL
City Council
Agenda Packets
12-06-2004 SPECIAL
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MV Commission Documents
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City Council
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Agenda Packets
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Given that, fees were established. Staff believes that the methodology for <br />assigning these rates, which have been employed since the early 1990’s, do not <br />perform as intended. Some residents / property owners have also expressed a <br />dissatisfaction with the current methodology for assigning these charges. <br /> <br /> <br />ISSUES WITH THE CURRENT SYSTEM <br /> Section 908.03, subdivision 2 of the City Code calls for “the surface water <br />management fee for residential, town-homes/condominiums, apartments <br />and mobile home parks will be determined on a per-household basis rather <br />than a per acre basis”. The current adopted fee schedule assigns charges <br />based on acreage for medium density and high density residential, as well <br />as mobile home parks. These documents should be consistent. <br /> <br /> The rates for all non-residential property including business, commercial, <br />and industrial properties are adjusted with a “utility factor” (see section <br />908.03 subdivision 3.b. of the attached City Code). This methodology <br />assumes that all properties with a particular land generate the same burden <br />on the City’s Storm Water System. Staff contends that is not accurate and is <br />an oversimplified way to assign storm water charges. <br /> <br /> The current rate structure for all non-residential property uses the total gross <br />area as a multiplier, regardless of what the land is. Example: the total area <br />(in acres including wetlands, ponds, City ponding easement areas) is <br />multiplied by the utility factor. Staff, and several property owners, believe that <br />assigning storm water charges to property containing wetlands, ponds, or <br />City ponding areas places an unjustified additional financial burden on these <br />properties. This is especially true in cases where a wetland or pond that the <br />City is utilizing and discharging storm water to is on private property. <br /> <br /> <br />ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES – Based on the Current System <br /> A 10,000 square foot building on 2 acres will generate the same <br />amount of storm water runoff regardless of whether its land use is a <br />residential business or industrial. However, the residential business <br />use will pay 28% more in storm water utility fees than the industrial <br />use. <br /> <br /> Two parcels eight-acres (8ac.) in size with the same land use will <br />pay the same storm water utility charge. However one parcel <br />maybe vacant or have a large wetland occupying most of the lot <br />and generate very little storm water runoff whereas the other parcel <br />may contain a large building with a large parking lot thus have a lot <br />of impervious area, consequently generating more storm water <br />runoff. <br /> <br /> <br />
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