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POSSIBLE SOLUTION <br />To meet the original intent of Ordinance No. 529 establishing a Storm Water <br />Utility and making it ”just and equitable”, Staff is recommending that the City <br />assign the Storm Water Utility based on the calculated storm water runoff for all <br />properties. This would exclude low and medium density residential, which Staff <br />recommends be assigned the utility on a per unit basis, or fraction thereof. <br /> <br />The methodology with which Staff recommends this could be achieved is that <br />storm water runoff be converted into a “Residential Equivalent Factor (REF)”. A <br />Residential Equivalent Factor is the amount of storm water runoff a standard (1/4 <br />acre) single family lot with a house, driveway, and other impervious areas <br />generates. What this means is that the runoff for all properties, excluding low and <br />medium density residential properties, would be calculated and a Residential <br />Equivalent Factor (REF) assigned to it and the property be charged a storm <br />water utility charge based on the number of REF’s it had. Single Family home <br />properties would be assigned one (1) REF and other low density residential <br />properties could be assigned a fraction of an REF (example: properties with 3 to <br />8 units pay 0.75 REF per unit). <br /> <br />CURRENT WORK STATUS <br />Earlier this year the City Council approved Resolution No. 6280 approving a <br />Temporary Data Entry Position. This person was hired and has been updating <br />the City’s Commercial Parcel Database as well as collecting the necessary data <br />to allow for storm water runoff calculations to be conducted for every commercial <br />and high density site within the City. As an additional benefit, commercial site <br />and construction plans have been re-organized and categorized. This work is <br />nearly complete, and has been a great success. Once completed, Staff could <br />present a detailed proposal. <br /> <br />Should the City Council wish to proceed with exploring this proposed <br />methodology in which the City assigns a Storm Water Utility Charge, Staff will <br />finalize the property database, conduct a financial analysis to determine the <br />impacts and revenue generated based on various REF values, and develop a <br />proposed ordinance revision to allow for this proposal. <br /> <br />Recommendation: <br />It is recommended that the City Council direct Staff to proceed with exploring the <br />possibility of making the City’s Storm Water Utility Charge be more just and <br />equitable by developing and examining a methodology with which it is assigned. <br />This methodology would be based on calculating the storm water runoff for each <br />site and assigning a Residential Equivalent Factor (REF). <br /> <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br /> <br /> <br />Greg Lee, Director of Public Works <br /> <br />