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4111 Mounds View City Council Page Ten <br /> Regular Meeting July 25, 1994 <br /> Councilmember Trude stated that when she campaigned that area many of <br /> the residents in that area had brought it to her attention. <br /> Mr. Larson stated that he has a petition that contains 50 names that <br /> are opposed to this park development. <br /> Mr. Larson asked what time of day are the City parks used. <br /> Mayor Linke stated that there are people playing tennis at 10: 00 p.m. and <br /> as early in the morning as 7: 00 a.m. Linke stated that he sees children <br /> and parents in the park from 10: 00 a.m. until 7: 00 or 8 : 00 p.m. Linke <br /> stated that the park would be used by mothers and children without having <br /> to cross a busy street. <br /> Mr. Larson stated that he checked to see if the parks were used at 2: 00 <br /> p.m. in the afternoon and they weren't being used and he felt that the <br /> tax dollars should not be used to pay for a park whether it is a grant or <br /> not because it all comes out of the taxpayer's pockets. Mr. Larson <br /> stated he can't afford the City's expenditures anymore. Mr. Larson <br /> stated that he would like to see his property value down and he doesn't <br /> want to pay any more money in taxes. <br /> Cindy Blood, 7034 Pleasantview Drive, stated that the field for Onan <br /> 4111 and Medtronic is right behind her house. Ms. Blood does not want the <br /> park because she has five children and does home day care and does not <br /> believe that parks are safe places. Ms. Blood stated that her children <br /> are not involved in the parks programs. Blood is concerned about <br /> undesirable people congregating in the park and states that she <br /> already feels that there are problems in that area. Blood stated that <br /> there are very few children in that area. <br /> Councilmember Wuori stated that Mr. Larson stated there are parks <br /> close in proximity and Mounds View children could go to those parks <br /> but the park in Mounds View would draw undesirable children. Wuori <br /> found this very confusing. <br /> Councilmember Trude stated that most children that use the parks use <br /> them with their parents. <br /> Corrine Diamond, Woodale Drive, stated that there is a train crossing <br /> very close to the park area and to bring children into the park area, the <br /> railroad would be a concern. Ms. Diamond asked how the area behind Onans <br /> would be patrolled. Ms. Diamond asked if Mounds View was paying $25, 000 <br /> for each of the lots. <br /> Mayor Linke stated that the price was arrived at by appraisals and that <br /> is where the number came from for the land. <br /> 4111 Councilmember Trude stated lot prices would be higher with water and <br /> sewer hook-ups. <br />