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View City Council Page Nine <br /> • Mounds Regular Meeting July 25, 1994 <br /> Saarion reported the costs of the park over the next three years. <br /> Saarion stated that the Park and Recreation Commissioners are in the <br /> audience to answer questions, if necessary. <br /> Mayor Linke stated that this park development is dependent upon the <br /> receipt of the grant. <br /> Councilmember Trude stated that when she campaigned in that area it was <br /> stated to her by many people that they felt they were in a neglected part <br /> of the City because they didn't have the services that residents had in <br /> the other part of the City. Trude stated that neighborhood parks bring <br /> people together and cars are rarely there. Trude states that she sees <br /> bikes and strollers, she sees no problems with noise and that it is an <br /> attraction to the neighborhood. Trude stated that she took a survey of <br /> the parking near Groveland Park when a game was being played and there <br /> was a car for each person on both teams, about 25 total. Trude stated <br /> that there is more than enough room for parking in that area. Trude <br /> stated that for six to eight weeks in the summer there may be a parking <br /> problem or cars parking on the street. Trude stated the City had <br /> received petitions to use park buildings this year. Trude stated that <br /> parks increase the values of homes in the area. <br /> 4111 Councilmember Wuori stated that the Planning Commission has identified <br /> the southwest corner of the City as lacking in parks and in their five <br /> year use plan it was identified that the southwest corner of the City is <br /> lacking. <br /> Councilmember Trude stated that if it wasn't developed as a park land it <br /> could be developed as approximately 20 homes. Trude stated that there <br /> will be about 17 homes in a area of a cul-de-sac off Spring Lake Road and <br /> residents are somewhat upset because it is all wild land now. Trude <br /> stated that lots in the City are priced at about $25, 000 at this time. <br /> Steve L son, 917-County RoadI stated that he-disagreed-about-the way <br /> the Planning Commission looked at this property. Larson indicated that <br /> there are parks located a relatively short distance from where this park <br /> is proposed. Mr. Larson identified those parks by presenting them on an <br /> overhead. Mr. Larson stated that there are only about 65 homes to be <br /> serviced by this park and half of those homes are lived in by retired <br /> people. Mr. Larson stated that the area adjacent to the proposed park <br /> could be a good place for a predator type of person because of the tall <br /> grasses and trees. Mr. Larson stated that there is also an apartment <br /> complex nearby and those persons are not fully employed and there is <br /> already a problem in that area with vandalism. <br /> Mr. Larson stated that he would be concerned about the safety of his <br /> children. Mr. Larson stated that also the money shouldn't be spent on a <br /> 41/1park. Mr. Larson also asked how many requests from residents in that <br /> area who wanted a park in that area. <br />