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Mounds View City Council Page Fourteen <br /> 0 Regular Meeting July 25, 1994 <br /> Gene Erickson, 2948 Woodale Drive, stated that his concerns are that <br /> the Council should be responsible and good stewards of City taxpayer's <br /> tax dollars and wondered if that was a good use. Has attended budget <br /> hearings and now talking about $25, 000 or $50, 000 and the other grant <br /> money is coming out of the other pocket. Facility not needed and area <br /> doesn't want it. <br /> Diamond has a fifth grader and has never had a problem accessing any <br /> of the parks. What happened to ice skating park at Woodcrest? Diamond <br /> stated that he is involved in T-ball and baseball and has no problem <br /> going to the other parks. <br /> Amundson stated he has been involved in scouting for 8 years and has <br /> never had den leaders state that they needed access for a place to hold <br /> their meetings. Not interested in 40 additional parking spaces across <br /> from his driveway which is a dead end and has had to call the police to <br /> have them patrol that area and he stated that he told Councilmember Trude <br /> about lighting and about access to other parks. Asked that something be <br /> done about pathways and sidewalks to the other parks. <br /> Councilmember Trude asked how other park land became available in the <br /> City. <br /> 4111 Saarion reported that many of the parks were acquired through tax <br /> forfeiture and the only park purchased outright was Silver View Park. <br /> Saarion gave the background on how the other parks in Mounds View were <br /> acquired. Many corrections had to be made before projects were completed <br /> in these parks . <br /> Councilmember Trude stated that two parcels from Mr. Belisle would border <br /> the park and one homeowner on County Road H2 . <br /> Mayor Linke stated that there is part of a ditch that is also park <br /> land. Saarion explained that Knollwood Park is undevelopable land. <br /> Saarion explained that the southern part of the City has no ballfields <br /> for use and that Mounds View does not get permission to use other <br /> community athletic facilities for youth. Saarion stated that the parks <br /> are used in the summer from 9: 00 a.m. until 3 : 30 from June to July with <br /> tennis lessons and baseball leagues, rollerblade leagues, volleyball <br /> leagues and other programs developed for children, 100 children <br /> bussed to Lakeside Park for safety camp, 60 teams of youth 8 ball, T ball <br /> and softball, skating programs in the winter and building requests can't <br /> be handled. <br /> Requests for use never quit and people are turned down on a daily <br /> basis. This use does not count the people that just drop by and daycare <br /> providers that have outings. Parks are used in Mounds View. Saarion <br /> IIIstated that one thing that showed in all surveys done, is that Mounds <br /> View's park use is higher than in an average suburban community. <br />