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Mounds View City Council Page Twenty-One <br /> • Regular Meeting July 25, 1994 <br /> circulator oath of verification, the Petition is "insufficient" <br /> under Chapter 5, Sections 5. 02 and 5. 03 of the City Charter. Orduno <br /> explained that the topic of the petition is currently under <br /> discussion by the Charter Commission. <br /> Mayor Linke stated that the petition does not follow along with the <br /> Charter at all. The petitioners are not listed on the document, nor <br /> is it notarized. <br /> Orduno stated that a letter should be sent to all persons who signed <br /> the petition and sending with the letter a copy of the Charter. <br /> Councilmember Trude stated that she is a member of the Charter <br /> Commission and stated that this petition does not meet the Charter. <br /> Trude stated that she believes it's a notice of petitioning taking <br /> place. <br /> Trude stated that the Charter Commission has hired an attorney to <br /> work on this issue with the Charter Commission. Trude stated that a <br /> legal opinion has been obtained and a City cannot limit the terms of <br /> Council persons. Trude stated she is confused as to why this <br /> petition was brought to staff at this time. <br /> III MOTION/SECOND: Wuori/Trude to Adopt Resolution No. 4607 Declaring <br /> Insufficient the Initiative Petition Proposing an Ordinance to Limit <br /> the Number of Total Terms for Which a Person Could File for the <br /> Office of Mayor or City Council <br /> VOTE: 4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br /> H. Consideration of Release of Property being Requested by the Everest <br /> Group that will be Part of the Development of the C. G. Hill <br /> Property <br /> Samantha Orduno, -City Administrator, statedthat-our-bond counsel <br /> was contacted to work with Everest attornies to make sure that the <br /> land in questions was not land involved in the original development 1 <br /> of the business park in that it would continue to receive Tax <br /> Increment Financing. Jim O'Meara is comfortable with the fact that <br /> after the Development Agreement was executed and the supplement that <br /> the identified parcels that receive the funding are separate and <br /> apart from the parcels listed here. Orduno stated that the release <br /> of this land is necessary to move the C. G. Hill Project forward. <br /> MOTION/SECOND: Trude/Wuori to Adopt Resolution No. 4608 Authorizing <br /> the Release of Land from Contract for Private Redevelopment between <br /> the City and Everest Development Ltd. <br /> 410 VOTE: 4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />