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IIIMounds View City Council Page Five <br /> Regular Meeting July 25, 1994 <br /> Mayor Linke opened the public hearing regarding the curb and gutter and <br /> storm sewer construction on County Road H2 and County Road I. <br /> Howard Thomsen, 7425 Pleasantview Drive, asked for the completion date of <br /> the project. <br /> Mike Ulrich, Director of Public Works, reported that the construction <br /> could begin as early as July 26, 1994 . Steve Campbell of SEH stated that <br /> the contract calls for 35 working days (six or seven weeks) . <br /> Charles Young, 3032 County Road I, explained that there are three houses <br /> on the Fridley side of the road that are the same size as his lot and if <br /> three houses were built on his side, two of those homes would have to be <br /> houseboats because every time it rains in the spring the land floods. <br /> Mike Ulrich, thanked Mr. Young for bringing some of the problems on the <br /> site prior to the meeting so he could research those problems. Ulrich <br /> explained the reasons for the problems on the site. Ulrich stated that <br /> the City is working with Mr. Young and the County to get a storm sewer in <br /> that area. Ulrich visited the site with representatives of SEH and <br /> stated that it was discovered that the radius of Pleasantview and County <br /> Road I was on Mr. Young's property. Mr. Young has had some dealings with <br /> IIIIthe City that have been less than cordial. Ulrich stated that he is <br /> working with the County to see if curb and gutter along the edge of Mr. <br /> Young's property and also the possibility of a storm sewer across the <br /> road in that area. Ulrich stated that the City apologizes for any <br /> misdoings that have been done in the past. <br /> Mayor Linke apologized for the actions of the City's former apologizes <br /> congratulated Mike Ulrich for researching this problem and trying to make <br /> resolve this problem. <br /> John Paone, 7365 Pleasantview Drive, stated that he spoke to a surveyor <br /> and that 19 feet will be taken and will there be any considerations given <br /> on the-taking of the property-and-is the-cost-of-the 10% radi-ng going-to <br /> be a driveway? <br /> Ulrich stated there were 8 to 10 temporary easements requested by the <br /> City regarding the slope of the driveways. The driveway grading will be <br /> paid for by the project. <br /> Paone stated that there was 10 feet taken some years ago. Paone asked <br /> also about the trees. <br /> Mayor Linke explained what consists of right-of-way which is owned by the <br /> County. <br /> Paone asked Mike Ulrich to take a look at the area that is being <br /> IIIIaffected. Paone wanted to know what the true taking is going to be and <br /> his concern is that now there will be an assessment. <br />