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0 Mounds View City Council Page Six <br /> Regular Meeting July 25, 1994 <br /> Ulrich stated that the center line is white dotted. Ulrich also stated <br /> that the trees will be replaced two for one, but those that can be saved <br /> will be. <br /> Jeannine Jellings, 7581 Pleasantview Drive, stated concern about driveway <br /> curbs put in according to code and will be the project people be <br /> surveying to find the property lines. <br /> Ulrich stated that driveway areas would be surveyed. <br /> Mayor Linke explained that property owners have the right to approve <br /> driveways being located closer than five feet to the adjoining property <br /> via permission of the property owner. <br /> Mayor Linke closed the public hearing. <br /> MOTION/SECOND: Trude/Wuori to Adopt Resolution No. 4596 Approving the <br /> Reconstruction of Pleasantview Drive <br /> VOTE: 4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br /> 7: 10 p.m. Consideration of the Request for Conditional Use Permit <br /> 4111 (oversized garage) of Vince Meyer, 8380 Spring Lake Road <br /> Mayor Linke opened the public hearing for the request for Conditional <br /> Use Permit (oversized garage) of Vince Meyer, 8380 Spring Lake Road. <br /> Paul Harrington, Community Development Coordinator, explained that Mr. <br /> Meyer came in to the City to get a building permit and fees were accepted <br /> and Mr. Meyer built the garage without going through the Planning <br /> Commission to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. Harrington explained that <br /> staff felt it was an honest mistake and that the garage meets all <br /> conditions of the City Code. <br /> Vince--Meye-r-, 838-0 Spring Lake—Road, explained- his s- ion-io-n—regarding the- ----- <br /> construction of his oversized garage. Mr. Meyer's stated that the garage <br /> is built and there has been no problems with the neighbors. <br /> Harrington explained that the staff looked at all of the envelopes and <br /> dates were all different. Harrington apologized for Mr. Meyer's not <br /> receiving his mailings for the meetings in time. <br /> Mayor Like closed the public hearing. <br /> MOTION/SECOND: Blanchard/Trude to Adopt Resolution No. 4604 Approving the <br /> Request by Vince Meyer, 8380 Spring Lake Road, for a Conditional Use <br /> Permit <br /> 0 VOTE: 4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />