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• Mounds View City Council Page Five <br /> Regular Meeting August 29, 1994 <br /> B. Consideration of Release of Escrow Funds for Harstad Development <br /> Samantha Orduno, City Administrator, reported that Catherine Harstad <br /> has requested that the City Council release funds currently being <br /> held in cash escrow as part of the Greenfield Ponds Development. <br /> Orduno further reported that this project was scheduled for <br /> completion in early July and that all requirements of the <br /> Development Agreement met prior to release of the funds. Orduno <br /> explained that a copy of street and utility as-builts was received <br /> on August 29, 1994. Orduno noted that this was the final item to be <br /> met as required by the Development Agreement. Orduno stated that <br /> the amount of refund to Harstad would be $52, 935. 33 . <br /> MOTION/SECOND: Quick/Blanchard to Approve Release of Escrow Funds <br /> for Harstad Development <br /> VOTE: 5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br /> C. Consideration of Resolution No. 4621 Approving a Grant to the Cable <br /> Commission for Additional Cable Equipment to Expand Community <br /> Communication <br /> IIII Samantha Orduno, City Administrator, reported that the Parks and <br /> Recreation Director along with Jerry Skelly would like to put <br /> together a grant application to the cable commission to purchase <br /> additional cable equipment. Orduno stated that the Cable TV <br /> Commission offers a grant application process for equipment needs <br /> for cities that devote Cable TV fees to Cable TV programming and the <br /> City of Mounds View does dedicate all of its cable franchise fees to <br /> cable operations. Orduno noted that in order to complete the grant <br /> application a resolution has to be passed by the City Council and <br /> that the deadline for this grant application is September 9, 1994 . <br /> MOTION/SECOND: Quick/Trude to Adopt Resolution No. 4621 Approving a <br /> Grant to the-Cable Commission-for Addi ronaI-Cabl-e Equipment-to <br /> Expand Community Communication Efforts <br /> VOTE: 5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br /> D. Consideration of Payment to Ramsey County for the City's Portion of <br /> the Cost of Reconstruction of Long Lake Road <br /> Mike Ulrich, Director of Public Works, reported that the City has <br /> received two invoices from Ramsey County for the City's share of <br /> engineering and construction on the Long Lake Road project totalling <br /> $832 ,894. 56. Ulrich reported that the majority of the work is <br /> reimbursable from the City's MSA construction allotment. Ulrich <br /> reported that Steve Campbell of SEH believes that the County <br /> • further erroneously charged the City $5, 003 . 68 for construction engineering <br /> of the local utility portion of the project. Ulrich stated that SEH <br />