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Mounds View City Council Page Six <br /> 1111 Regular Meeting August 29, 1994 <br /> performed the construction engineering on the project and believes <br /> that the City should not pay the County for that work. Ulrich noted <br /> that the City had agreed to pay $35, 569. 31 for wider sidewalks and <br /> $75, 884 . 00 for some local watermain and sewer work. Ulrich <br /> presented the total due to Ramsey County as $827,890.88. <br /> Councilmember Quick asked if the tree had been replaced that had <br /> inadvertently been removed by the County. <br /> Ulrich stated that he would check on that particular tree. Ulrich <br /> reported that MSA trees would be replaced through the project. <br /> Mayor Linke read a letter from the Ramsey County Director of Public <br /> Works commending the efforts of Mike Ulrich, Bill Hanggi and Jim <br /> Hess on their helpfulness and cooperation with regards to the Long <br /> Lake Road Project. <br /> Mayor Linke commended Mr. Ulrich, Mr. Hanggi and Mr. Hess for their <br /> work on this project and reaffirmed that their work is appreciated. <br /> MOTION/SECOND: Wuori/Quick to Approve Payment to Ramsey County for <br /> the City's Portion of the Cost of Reconstruction of Long Lake Road <br /> 1111 VOTE: 5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br /> REPORTS <br /> 1. Report of Councilmembers: <br /> Councilmember Quick - No report. <br /> Councilmember Blanchard <br /> - Will be attending meeting at the arsenal concerning what is <br /> going to be done with the arsenal property. Blanchard stated <br /> that she-wants-to-know how it wou d impact-the-City. <br /> Councilmember Wuori: <br /> - Will be attending meeting. <br /> Councilmember Trude: <br /> - Will be attending the meeting. Meeting is at 6: 30 p.m. at <br /> the main administration building. Enter the arsenal through <br /> Gate 3 which is across from the lumber yard. <br /> - Councilmember Trude also asked if the Council had announced <br /> that the City had received the grant for the pedestrian <br /> bridge which Mayor Linke affirmed that it was. <br /> 1111 <br />