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ppIflUtfl <br /> Mounds View City Council Page 10 <br /> • Regular Meeting October 24, 1994 <br /> Mayor Linke explained that part of the $75 fee was incurred in <br /> the Finance Department to do their work as well as the <br /> overtime involved to do the disconnect. <br /> Trude stated that she would like to see the $25 fee applied to <br /> the delinquent disconnects as well. <br /> MOTION/SECOND: Wuori/Blanchard to Adopt Resolution No. 4655 <br /> Establishing a Winter Water Disconnect Fee <br /> VOTE: 5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br /> E. Consideration of Resolution No. 4653 Approving Sherwood <br /> Estates Final Plat, Citywide Developers <br /> Paul Harrington, Community Development Coordinator, stated <br /> that Rocky Keene, the City's Consulting Engineer, had <br /> pertinent information to this item but would not be able to <br /> attend the meeting until 8: 30 or 9 : 00 p.m. Harrington <br /> requested Council to move this item to the end of the agenda. <br /> Council agreed to move this item to the end of the agenda. <br /> 41/1 F. Consideration of Resolution No. 4654 Approving the Recycling <br /> Grant Request to Ramsey County and Authorizing Acceptance of <br /> Any Allocated Funding <br /> Paul Harrington informed the Council that the City is eligible <br /> for Ramsey County and State of Minnesota SCORE Program funds. <br /> These funds are available for the establishment of recycling <br /> activities with communities in the state. It is a set amount <br /> of money that is set aside for each city. The City needs to <br /> prepare and submit a budget to Ramsey County which distributes <br /> the funds for use during 1995. Part of the application <br /> requires that the City Council formally request these funds in <br /> the form of a resolution. Harrington noted that he prepared <br /> the 1995 SCORE Funding Grant Application. The City is <br /> eligible for $25, 674 of SCORE monies. The City anticipates <br /> using $9,874 for administration costs; $7, 800 for promotional <br /> activities which include mass mailings and incentive awards; <br /> and $8, 000 to subsidize the recycling portion of two City- <br /> sponsored Clean-up Days. <br /> Councilmember Trude asked if the City would be able to buy <br /> more recycling bins if they were needed. <br /> Harrington said that this Resolution can be formally amended <br /> through the City Council during the year if more bins are <br /> needed. II <br />