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U <br /> Mounds View City Council Apt) <br /> Page 11 <br /> Regular Meeting October 24, 1994 <br /> MOTION/SECOND: Trude/Wuori to Adopt Resolution No. 4654 <br /> Approving the recycling Grant Request to Ramsey County and <br /> Authorizing Acceptance of Any Allocated Funding <br /> VOTE: 5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br /> B. Presentation of the Proposed 1995 Budget <br /> Mayor Linke advised that the purpose of this informational <br /> meeting is to get a "jump" on the November 30 Budget Meeting. <br /> The numbers being presented were certified in September for <br /> the Truth In Taxation Legislation, which is the high point of <br /> the levy. The Council can go below that number but cannot go <br /> above that number. Although there is still work to be done on <br /> the budget, this meeting gives everyone an opportunity to make <br /> their comments known. <br /> Samantha Orduno, City Administrator, welcomed the public to <br /> this meeting. Through the use of, an overhead projector, she <br /> began her presentation with an inspirational quote from Oliver <br /> Wendell Holmes. Orduno pointed out the following items: <br /> The Presentation Schedule <br /> Presentation Purpose <br /> Factors Influencing the Budget <br /> Definition of Terms - can be found in Newsletter <br /> Budget Process from Line Item to Performance Budget <br /> Summary of Total City Budget <br /> General Fund Budget, Revenues and Expenditures <br /> Highlights of General Fund Expenditures <br /> Impact to You <br /> Goals of the 1995 Budget <br /> Maintain Quality Services <br /> Ensure Expenditures Relate To Appropriate Funding Sources <br /> Directly Relate Service/Program to Cost <br /> Implement FOCUS 2000 Recommendations <br /> Initiate City-wide Housing Rental and Point Of Sale <br /> Inspection <br /> Replace Old,, Ineffective Equipment <br /> Provide For the First Year of The Bridges Golf Course <br /> Provide for a Quality Community <br /> Keep Recreation Activities Affordable <br /> Facilitate Social Services by Increasing Contribution <br /> of Northwest Youth and Family Services <br />