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Mounds View City CouncilPage 18 <br /> 111111 Regular Meeting ? 4V October 24, 1994 <br /> Orduno explained that the City could eliminate some of their <br /> Park programs which would eliminate an expenditure, but it <br /> would also eliminate a revenue. <br /> Linke noted that these programs were available to serve the <br /> residents. <br /> Larson stated that he didn't feel the expense of a housing <br /> inspector was justified. Orduno said that the inspector's <br /> position would pay for itself through fees. <br /> Larson expressed his concern that the golf course would have <br /> to be paid for by the taxpayers. He felt that the 6. 5 <br /> percentage rate on the venture capital loan was too low. <br /> Orduno explained that this was the figure advised by two <br /> separate financial consultants. <br /> Friedrich Gastreich urged the Council to start with what it <br /> costs the taxpayers and bring those figures down. Linke <br /> reminded him that the 1995 budget was still being worked on. <br /> • Richard Oman, 8205 Groveland Road, offered his observation <br /> that the percentage of taxes had gone up more over the last <br /> three years than the value of the homes. <br /> Linke explained that because in the previous two years the tax <br /> capacity value of commercial properties had gone down, it <br /> created a need to raise the same dollars by raising the taxes. <br /> Duane McCarty commented that there was not another city in the <br /> metro area and probably not in the state of Minnesota that <br /> would go through this kind of budget process at this point. <br /> He said the information is very detailed and very direct. <br /> McCarty felt that some of—the positions should be more _-- <br /> detailed, such as the position that will be performing point- <br /> of-sale inspections. <br /> Linke explained the process would work the same as in other <br /> cities. McCarty suggested that perhaps a little more detail <br /> on what the position would do and a direct comparison of what <br /> is already available from the banking and real estate industry <br /> should be added. <br /> Linke said that the City is in the process of doing that now. <br /> Orduno added that some states require the cities to do the <br /> inspections. As a result, the housing stock of a city is <br /> • improved. <br />