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7 d <br /> APPROi <br /> Mounds View City Council 4 <br /> ED Page 21 <br /> 111 Regular Meeting October 24, 1994 <br /> REPORTS <br /> 1. Report of Councilmembers: <br /> Councilmember Quick: No report. <br /> Councilmember Blanchard reported that she attended the <br /> EQC meeting last week who considered resolutions removing <br /> two of their members for lack of attendance. They are <br /> down to four members at the present time and need more <br /> people. There is also a resolution concerning <br /> landscaping for wildlife. <br /> Councilmember Wuori reported that last Saturday she <br /> attended the first Over-Sight Committee meeting at the <br /> Twin City Army Ammunitions facilities. The Committee <br /> represents four communities, the County, school district <br /> and state and federal agencies. They will meet at least <br /> monthly for the next year to oversee what development <br /> will meet the needs of the surrounding community. It was <br /> recommended that all members and alternates attend as <br /> many meetings as possible to consider the large amount of <br /> 4110 <br /> work that needs to be done. Wuori noted that <br /> Councilmember Trude is the alternate member for this <br /> committee. <br /> Councilmember Trude: No report. <br /> Report of Administrator: <br /> a. Samantha Orduno: No report. <br /> Report of Mayor Linke: <br /> a. Reported that he had received a copy of a letter that had been <br /> sent to the Police Chief and to the entire Police Department <br /> from Greg, Kathy, Jenny, Angie and Chris Piche, expressing <br /> their gratitude for the efficient services of the Mounds View <br /> Police Department. <br /> b. Applicants are needed for the following committees: <br /> Ramsey County Citizens Advisory Council <br /> Community Human Services Advisory Council <br /> Ramsey County Extension Committee <br /> Ramsey County Library Board <br /> Ramsey County Action Board of Directors <br />