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Mounde View Planning Commission <br />Regular meeting, June 26, 1974 <br />City Hall <br />Sled to order: 7:30 by Chairman Raake <br />i <br />Present: Foss, Glaser, Shalquist, Burmeister, Haste, Routs, Burggraff, <br />Maokeben. <br />Absent: Blanchard. <br />Business: Minor Subdivision, Leonard Kremer <br />Lot 2. Spring Lake Park Knolls Addition. <br />Divide into two (2) lots. <br />Mr. Larry Fox appeared before tke Ooswiseion for Mr. 'Tremor. The <br />lot in question is bounded on the west by Groveland Rd., on the <br />east by ot <br />Rd. 1. Thevlot north er Lake dofathe nd id scribeds Om olot.nd okast oalreadyuth of 0beeny <br />divided into tun (2) lots, and has already established the baok <br />lot linsj the commission recommends tkat this lot line be main- <br />tained in tkis new request for a lot division also. The <br />Commission also reoommends that five (5) ft. be taken from each <br />tot for the utility easement. <br />MSP Burggraff/ Houle to recommend approval of the minor subdivision <br />with the five (5) ft. utility immanent to be taken off each lot. <br />8 ayes. parried. <br />Special Permit, Arnold Christianson. <br />No. 82.51 of lot 52 Spring Lake Park Hilivisw Addition. <br />Accessory building in excess of 145 Sq. ft. (208 sq. ft.) <br />Mr. Lanser appeared for Mr. Chriessianson,and explained the proposed <br />plan to attaok a 201 X 81 building to an already existing build- <br />ing tkat is 61 X 8s, creating an area of 208 sq. ft. This <br />building will be used to house a boat. Tke extent of the variance <br />from the Ordinaaee is 15.eq. ft. <br />MSP Seelqui'nt/ Glaser to recommend to tke Council. approval or the <br />'Special Use Permit for the addition ho the existing aooeseory <br />building for the total of 208 sq. ft., located as shown in <br />Mr. Christianson's sketch wkiok a000apied tke request. <br />8 ayes. Carried. <br />Ka3or Subdivision; IAA* aerated. <br />Proposed Plat of Red Oak Estates #3 <br />(72 townhouses) <br />Mere were 15 - 20 residents of the Jousts Dr. and Clearview Ave. <br />area, in attendance at tke Planning Commission meeting. voloing <br />their concern over the traffic pattern'wkioh will be created when <br />the townhouses will be burst on Greenwood Dr. <br />There was also concern over tke water and drainage problem exist- <br />ing in the area, apparently there are homes with water in the <br />basement. <br />