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1975-05-28 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-05-28 PC Minutes
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MINVTE3 OF THE MOUNDS VIEW PLANNINO <br />OOMMI9$ION <br />~1N~a M4y 28. S,Qj5 <br />P ~ <br />Ths ACounda Vi~x Planning Comaieoion ros ea13eG to order ab <br />L9~ VS11nge H~11 by itd ohairpereon Basrbarn Hnake, ~at 7~30 pm. <br />on Wsdneeds~l. May 28, 1975. The fo~rowing wumUar~ wore qsmnent; <br />Yaul Pedor, Roberb Roabsan, PhylAiq Blannhard, RoberE ttlaaer, <br />Harbai~a Naaka, MiohRel Lonergan, Nanoy Burmeis8er, artd Don Maokeben. <br />Oanald Pass xas abeant. <br />Tha minutea of the April Planning Coaooiseion wsre approved <br />as read. <br />ITSM9 FOR COMSIDERA'TION: <br />Ri~ard Mwrehnig, Sail CorrsorrsEian Servioe, expiained thc <br />aervio~m available. 19r. Moeohnig 4ntroduoed Rueaell Ada~e, the <br />euparvieor of the dSatiriot. <br />fllidss rere presantad, uhoaing how th0 ~orvioa Mou14 proteoC <br />natural soil snd MeLer reeourote and hox to utiiise thar~ through <br />lanA we pl~nning and erosion oqntrol, otssraotarietiae of Che eoil <br />xhsre ik le te~pornrily llooded~ -Ass~uate etnrw xattr runoPP by <br />l~ecomfendip~ eurf4o6 runoff nystspa, and paq3atanoe tn the plst~»ing <br />~;~ phaee oP dmvelop~sntal op~rs,L•Sone. Their soiwiaae ars srailatrle <br />a` MithouC oharge, but only in en advl,eory ospsoiCy--they hare na <br />~"""~ r~gulrCory funo~ion Nhatsos~er. ~'hey atll alao operabe or-1y qpon <br />ra@usrt, lyr. Morohnig sus6estsd Ehat it their osrvioas are derired, <br />• latter aho±:,id bs Krltten !nr eaeh pro~eob,.or th~ oi'cr san enter <br />inbA en agresu~nt Mith Ehe Soil and Matsr Coneervstion DSeEriat end <br />then ~uet a tslephone oall or a letter pould be tteasseary e~n43ng <br />t4~at an interpreta~lon ia doeired. Thia ser~riae Sa for individunla, <br />daeelopssaCnl wfl.Co ot gavs.~nmentr asd iur publlo Lnforrstion. <br />iMr. A~7s~es atrsseed theiE they xould no+t appro~re !or devolopmont <br />' ~n~ pra~ect thao had e~vere 1lmitations. TnSe aaula be abated, <br />but Lt doea not prs~ren~ euoh developmenb. The 3nr~ioe alee aota ae <br />~lvisora to the, Mtttershedl AisBriat but hae hoth~ng to say about <br />xhat they 00. <br />It their sarviase are deaired, the~ oan be ~onEatated aa ~'olloxe: <br />NoMard Norsohnig <br />3011 Conservation 9az~vioe <br />1~1791 - 6oth St. N. <br />ar~sn Brier Ottios Huilding <br />9tillnaber, Minnssota 55oB2 <br />Tslephnnsi M39-6361 <br />~ <br />
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