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1975-05-28 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-05-28 PC Minutes
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Moundg Vlex Planning Commiseian Page 2 <br />Harley Aaeuueeen, 8380 Red Oak Drive, r~yuaste mn~or eubdivieion <br />+-~ to divide hie ~nrael Sato three late. <br />, Mr. Reemueeen hnd the eketoh pinn an~piated ae requeetad by a <br />past moEiou on Febr~amrq 26 (Uaal deeaription per eurvey of Mny,19'/5•) <br />The~ unplatted pasoel ie maJor, eo if spproved, Ehene r211 be a <br />publio hearing on June 9. Me. Heaka euggaetad that the Commieeion <br />~ust endoree the actioa nf the Februgry meeting beosuee approeal <br />ra0 given previou~lq rith 41ta aont3ngancy thnt a eurvey be brought in. <br />it xas Ao~od by Naney 8urme2aEsr ~hat ~ho Commieeion recowwsnd to ~he <br />Couneil that tihey approva m4~or eubdi~ieion of Mr. Raemassen, ae hs <br />hae Pu1ti11eII the raquset made of hin on February 26 by bhe Plannir.g <br />Co~leeion. Thie motion rss seoouded bq Don Meskeben nnd brought to <br />a rpts. (8 ayes) Motion osrriad. <br />Janee Yleak, '/92Q OroVelnnd Road, requeete vari8riee to ereat <br />768 equax~+ Poot reeidential g..raga; RennaCh Breault, 5~05 AdYme <br />Streex, requee~e vnrian~e ba ereot reaidarttSal gar~8a nQdibion a«Svh <br />Miil arae~te e 984 oqunrn So¢t gernge; and "Roaald M. J+,~lkowakl, 7989 <br />Neodlaxn Drive, requeste vnrienae to ereoC 851 equare feot rosidentiel <br />g~rage. <br />Me'. Haske etentioned that the Comuleeion le noH re»ribing the <br />soning oadlnanoe end hava been requeated b~ the Gounoil ta re~le» <br />the 6era6e eiae of 728 leet. 3he euggested that these requeeba Par <br />•ariahee be tqbled beaauso the Co~sniseion hae aot diecueded it yeb. <br />-~ It the dsolaion Sa nob tc ohange Che varisnoe, Y4eeara. Yleak, Brenult, <br />nnd JulkoKSki will be on tha agend4 Por the June maetiflg. <br />Napay Burmeieter move4 to tr61e the re9uesL•a of Heeera. Yleak, <br />Dre~tult, and Julkowoki for va2ltufoee on their ladiridual gsragea <br />unbil • fuCure dabe~ beeruee, upon the raqueot ot the Counoil. bhe <br />Planning Oo'e~ieeion ie goirtg bo re~ise tha,ordinsnee aonoerming the <br />eise u! garmgee. P~eeibiy in Tune bhes~ Cabled Ste~aa xi11 aoee <br />up agaln, nr ba Niped from the elnte beanuee theq azro not appliosble <br />iP the ordinanoe a.e changed. Thia mobioa xaa eenonded by Robert <br />Olc,cor•~nd brought to a- r,te, (8 qyae} Motion pso tsb~~d. <br />Ronnld Nichnn, 2609 3aotlend Court, l~pr~ 212, requeeta n~inor <br />~v.bdivlsion oP Lote 1 end 2, Clenrrlea Addition (onzmer of F.dgewo~d <br />DriVti and Count!) Ron~ ti?), to make Bhree 7.ote toEel. <br />Thara ie a 30 Poot aetbaok on both aidee and it le 15~000 equere <br />feat to the Gorn~r. Mr. Michnn aentioned that everyone aonaerned <br />ezonpt ane, xtuete ~Cn maintain their deep lo~e. Yialter 3k1ba <br />su~geeCv~.~ Lhat %'a: utillt; :~so~r.ta Ll:xd sh*.nld :`ae:^;c a 5 foot <br />eaeemerlt off tha aoutts and Nv~at ~idea. <br />It wea moved by Robex~k Q1¢sar that the Co~eiasion reoomeand <br />to the Oounoil :hat tihey approvo the n+abdivi~ion na requeeterd, Mith <br />the provie3oa tor a 10 foat utigity ase~ement alohg the south nnd <br />west sldeo. ".'hie motion xac eeoc+ndtrrJ by Phyllie Blnnchard and broughb <br />to a vote (7 ay~a, 1 abetention.) Motlon oarried. <br />•...: <br />
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