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1975-07-23 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-07-23 PC Minutes
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MINUTES OF THE MOUND9 VIEW <br />PLANNINO COMMI33IOW <br />~ July~~l~~ <br />The Mounde View Planning Commieeion wae nailed to order at the <br />Village Hall by ite ahairperson, Barbara Heake, at 7:30 pm on <br />Wedneaday, July 23, ?•975• The folioxing membere xere preeentt <br />Paul Fedor, Robert Olaser, Mlchael Lonergan, Nanay Burmeleter, <br />Qerald Foee, Robert Roeeman, Phyl]ie Blnnahard, and Hnrbarn Hsake. <br />Don Meaknben xas nbeent. <br />Oer~ld Foee moved thnt the June minutee be approved ae <br />resd, Robert Olazex aeoonded thie motion nnd it oarried unanimously <br />YTEM3 i~OR CON9IDERATION: <br />Ingvald Johnaoa. Property involv~d - 0384 Long Lnke Road. <br />Pree~entatlnn oP prelimSnnry p]nt (Ingvald Johnson Ter.rmae). Ma~or <br />aubdivialon. Ib wse mentiontrd that Mr. Johnaon had a minar <br />eubdivision approved at the May 28, 1975, Plnnning Commieeion <br />maeting, ooneiating oP a SoC eplit on the N.W. narner, xhich Se <br />preeantly being Yiled--henco the N.W, aorner lob ahouid not ba <br />included in thie ma~or aubdivioion request. <br />Harbara Haake raoved that Mr. Johneon appear bofore the <br />next Flanning Commiesion meeting wibh a revieed preliminnry <br />,-., plat in3ionting three lobe, and Nithin 100 feeC. <br />Thie mntion wae eeupnded by Nanoy 8urmeieter. The mot.ion Mme <br />~~~ voted upon an4 deleatsd. (2 eyea, 6 nnye). <br />Nobert Rosnman bhen movad tant Mr. J~vhneon~e me~~r , <br />eubdivieion be torwarded t~ the Counoil for thei~ approval, oontingent ~ <br />u;~on hio bringing to the ataff eb the Yillage Ha11, Por bhetir ~ <br />approval, tha correoted eux•veyor~e propoeed prallminnry plut, <br /> Lot 2, paEbing bhe utiliby easnment in Ct~e oorrncE ; <br />anconded~by~tleselA'Foaa andnoerried86(6~ayea~d2 nnyaj,~otion Naa ; <br />David Licht, Preeident of' Midrreet Planning, 'then apoke to the <br />Commieoioe. He atreeted bhat the Commieeion ehould employ hie <br />:irm aiting a.e an exumple the above ment?.~ned mn~or eubdivieiqn <br />preltminary plat of Mr.~Ingvnld Johneon which ehould never have <br />seached the Comm;eaion w:Lthout th~ correctionn made ae required iu <br />the ma~or eubdivision ordinence< His painte regardSng tihe aerviaeA <br />Midvreet could previde xere ae follows: <br />l. Thr beneflting property ownere ought to pay the coat. <br />(pase thrcugh nost provigion). 2. Under the toohnical aseiabance <br />(TA) arrar:gement, aomeone from hie ofPice xould be nt every regular <br />Flanning CQminleelon meebing. Thare woulA be a flat rate tee fur <br />coming to the meesting ot 81t10. 3. 'P-~e arrangement of the 'anll as <br />necded asaleEnnce~ is open to disa;:n~iony according to the <br />, Commiaeion~s,needo. 'Phe hourly rate Nould vary from $20 ta E35 per <br />~ hour, depending upan Barbara Sanneae, 3teve Rynn, or David Lioht+e <br />aeeietenae. 4. ~Appl7.oant Reviox Servioee~: Any requent, lrom n <br />
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