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1975-07-23 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-07-23 PC Minutes
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Moun4e VieK Pianning Co~nieeion Page 2 <br />~ I~,' vsriarioa Co a ma~or aubdivinion, xeul~ he refer:ed to MidNeet at <br />' e ~30 flet rate to inaure ChaC n11 the inFormntion ie there. <br />Midweet pould eeoure reporEe 'rom a11 agenolea that Nere to reepond <br />t,n bhe aibuation. 5• He further etreeeed thnC eome type of <br />profeeeional planning be maintained, eo thab the ordinenoe doee <br />not have tio go through a m6aeive revieion. Through their aeeietsnce, <br />as the o'cste law oh4ngee or ne tha Pienning Commieaion croatee <br />; thalr own amendment through veriancea, the zoning ordinance Now1d <br />be revleed and oonstantly updnted. 6. The firm Se preaently serving <br />~ 2i oommunitxeo. <br />' Thc C~mmleelon memb~re aeked queetione: Mr. Foee: What ie <br />i ycur nhasga fer a na~~r aubdlvieion? A. To eimply revieM it Nould <br />j tnke about 1y houre, whiah would 6e ~30.oD. <br />~ Mr. alazer: The engineer dales nut advine befare an sppearanne bofore <br />t~e Planning Commisaion or tha Co~mcii--wiZl thie aleo happen Kith <br />? the Ylanner? A. No way aen 2 tnik ta enyone unt13 the preliminary <br />! applioation is filed. <br />' Mr. dlazer: Will you furnieh a report on the tranaaatSone nnd <br />( aerviees bha~ you perform? A. Everytime an &ppilantion comam 2n <br />! we aaeign it a number and it Sa Sdantifiad out on a oompuber. Then <br />~ we siC down uith tflo applicent and du a memo to the proparty tile. <br />Once his applicabion le rca~iv~d it la aent out to everyone oancerned. <br />~ When it'oomen back 4 oomprehensive :eport oo~ea out, oonetantly <br />f ,..,r dooumnntad. <br />, ~ Mr. Lonorgan: What do ,you recoranend an fer ae Ceohnical eorvioe fo~ <br />.,,,,r Mounde VieM? A. On an ae naeded bneYa. Thia lete you fluotuate <br />~ with the market. No ieauo bhat you deai with in SneigniPiaanC, I <br />~ becnuee you onn deaCroy yaur ordinnnce ~uet tM•rou6h e eimple vnriasae. <br />Barbara Haake mentioned that a publio hearing on the nea Compreheneivr ! <br />Plar. Se eoheduled for Auguet 13 at 8:00 ~m. Aa eaon aa bhe Couneil , <br />feela that a puhllo riearing can b~ hald on'the Zoning OrCinance, <br />~e M111 d~ thia, even before the Comprehensive PSan ~eCe bnak from ; <br />bhe Motroti~olitnrc Counctl. R'ha P1a~~ning Cormnisa2on Nill hold the <br />publ:ie hea~ing un the Zoning Ordinance alao. <br />MSehnal E. White. Property involved: The E. 528 feeC of th~ <br />W. 2112 fset aP the N.7.05 feet of the 5,213a feet o!' the NZ~ k of <br />Saa. 6, T90,R2~, aubjeat to Eaebwood Raed end OrcenMOOd Drive. A <br />m2nar aubdivinSon. <br />Mr. Wh1te, developor for the lot, ap~eared be:ore tha ! <br />Commiealon. It !e preeently vaner~t, located at 6357 Eaetwood. <br />105 x 468, divided equsll~ with a 5 foot easement. The ak~tah plan <br />ahoxa a damaaed building that hnd been burned. I~ hne been t113ed, <br />the Poundation Se all that Sa left. Mr. klhlte doee not plan to <br />baild on top of thie. <br />aerald Foee moved that the Qoaunisa7.on recommend Co the Counoil <br />to approve tha minor requeet of Miahaal E. Khite aR <br />pressnted on the 8nrweyor Certitiaffite. This moEion Kas oeaonded by <br />~--/ Hobart Roeeman r.nd carried. (8 ayee). <br />
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