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1975-07-23 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-07-23 PC Minutes
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Maun~e Y1aw Planning Commission <br />Page ~ <br />~ AfEaY~ disouASion, Robert Olnser moved to r~nnneider the previoue <br />motion regarding Mr. Donald Dimpel~e minor autrdivleion. Thia motion <br />wae ceaonded by Nanoy Burmeieter and oerried. (8 ayee). <br />N~inq Burmeiater moved to table Mr. Qimpel'd raqueat until thm <br />Auguet Planning Commiasion meeting Mhe~ he ahould oome back NiEh a <br />ske~ah plan and aomply Mith th~ mis~or subdivieion prooedure. The <br />Q1tq Engineer rill look at bhe lend and if he Peela thnt there will be <br />a QrobleQ with drainage Lhen the Coa+n~7.seion MSli require Mr. Oimpe:t <br />Eo ttsve a drairsage plen. Mr. almp~l agreee 0o thia motion. It wae <br />! eso~nde~S by Robert Ron~m~n iand carried. (a ~qae). <br />Not on the agendn, Terry Woelxge, 536o Raymond Avanue, repreaenting <br />No. Suburben Rental, 21?0 Highwny 10, appeared before the Coaunieaion, <br />to spp'ly for a building pat~mit !a add 8n addiEiore oa the atore. Thia <br />addition will oontain pnrCy EeoCe roith n gnrage door Por loading. <br />Estimat. 150 lesC trom proparty 11ne and tronb to baok af buiiding <br />would ba q6 feot. Wau7.d it be to h~.o benaflt to pursue thie matter or <br />not7 Pailing the CommSeaion, thgre aere no ob~eetiona, aaeumii~6 nll <br />soning ro6ulatione are oomplied with. <br />Harbara Haake made a mation bhat the Commiaeion teke fram the <br />Lab2e the itema of vnrianae that xere tabled on Mny 28, 1975• Thie <br />motiot7 wae eeeonded by Phyllie Blanahard and oarsied, (B ayee). <br />~"` Me. Hanke n~oved Lhat Jamea Vieck's requeet for a varianca <br />' ~t 7920 Qrovelsnd (76B eq foat) be denied beoauee it le not nppllanble <br />~- beosuae Che gerage eizd Se noN 86h aq. fe~rt. Thio mobion xas aeoonded <br />by Robert Roseman end carrled. (8 eyaa). <br />Nanoy Burmeleter moved that Ronsld M. Julkasaki+a requset for a <br />vsrienoe est T989 Woodlewn Dr. (851 aq feet) be denied becauee it Sa not <br />appliceble becauee the garage eize is nox 664 aq, feet. Thie motion <br />Mae eeconde6 by Barbara iLae~ke and ea*^7,ed. !8 ayee). <br />Robert Qlsz~r moved that Kennath Bresult~e requeaC tor a~varianoe ! <br />at 5q05 Adema 3t. (984 eq feot) be denSed beoausn it exceeds the <br />garago aizs ot 864 eq. feeti. Thia motion Kae aoaondnd by Nnncy Eurmaieter <br />and oarrieC. (0 ssyen). <br />Robart c)lasor, regar3Yag grading snd tiliing pea~m2te, atatad that <br />~he Cit;y Qlesk ahould look into' unmo mechanigm v+here couid be <br />aonbrolJ.ed withoHt z~evSmM Dy either the Plannit~g Cornmieelon or the <br />Bullding Inepeotor. It Nau euggeaEad thet the DN1R ordineu~ue oould bn <br />ustd ae n wosking rodel. <br />Oexald Fosd moved Co s4~ourn, thie Mee eeoobded by Rob~rt Roesman <br />e~nd esrri~4~.:(8 ayee). The Aeeting Mse ad~ourr~ed et 1Os29 PM. <br /> <br />Resp~atfuily ~ubiaitted, <br />~,,,r~ ,~ . ., . ~ ~~l~C.~ld°~~/ <br />J h Swanholm <br />cordin$ 8eoret~sry <br />
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