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1975-07-23 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-07-23 PC Minutes
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Mou»de Vie~ Planning Conueieeion <br />Page ~ <br />~ B~na1@ Bn1k~Property invoired: 2696 Co¢nty Road J, Ma,~or <br />eubdi~~alon. <br />d~rbara ttaake etnted vhat Mr. Hn1k ia going to hare a yreliminary <br />plnt drarn by sn indapendent eur~*r^~r, ea thore may be a aonflict <br />of int~resE Mith Crnn~taok-Uavia, his ~riginsi eurveyor. It wee too <br />late for Mr. Bsik Ca find soweons slee, ea noeeequsntly he wi11 <br />be on the a~nda next month. <br />Qerald pielQm. Propsrty inrolved - 2255 La~bert Avenue. <br />Yarianae: 12x20 laan-garden building. <br />Hr. PSalde montioned Ehab the S~rgee~ doar would bo npproxiinstely <br />7 tMet Mide, neoeeanry 0o put in a frnnt enQ londer. ttarsuy Hurmeiater <br />etsted thrt Mr. Fielde wnuld have co be givan e apeeiaE pers;lt. Thia <br />Sa not a vKrianee saaording to the ordSnanoa and tha0 thia error abould <br />h~ve been c~ught botora St came to the P],anning Cea~ieaion. Uereld <br />Hoss end Robert Rqeeman etateQ that th~ laern-6arden building pae ~uoE <br />geic~g into tha "garaKs busindeo" ageir~, Fir. PSeLde ehould explore the <br />posaibAlity af adding on to his prasanti garage e2noa Eha aise oould <br />be Snnr~me~A ta 864 foat. Ma. Hsnke prepoasd po111ng Cha Conmissi~p, <br />aeking "Hox mar~y in favor ot building a atruoture 1?x20 Mith s garage <br />eiae Aoor4° B naye. <br />Me, Haa7ce movep tha~ tbe Plsnning Cocmisnion denq Mr. Pidlde~ <br />roqusat tor a 12x2~ l~swn and gardan Builtling ois i~he ~raur~de thnt 3t <br />"~**' aould hetvr a 7 loot garage door, an4 the Commiesion dnee not tael, <br />thaL xith gha preesnt largt~ nirw (8b4 festl, bhat thsq ehou34 <br />approve orersSze noflaeeary buildingQ. Thie motian xae eeoonded by <br />Nenay Snrmeiater ana uarried. (8 ay~e). <br />Donsld Oliqpo], - minar eubdivieion. Mr. aimpei a9Peared betore <br />Lhe Oop~iaalon withoub a p~apmr ekatcix, etaL•ing thab hia property <br />hss 133 trontsge, 288 depthn an4 he wanea 85 lranr,sga on Broaaon. N1r <br />9kib• stRted that ha eubaequ0ntiy meeeared the proparty, and the depCt~ <br />ia 228.3. Zt the Cqmmiuaion wonid aoaept Nia he pou3d retvrn <br />wlth the aketoh pinn and Yolleer tl~e recemmen~stione for a mYnor <br />nubdiv4eion. <br />It xan euggeeted thnt wa ehould npslexte w~der ~aa~or eubdivielon <br />ia'r ara» e~ncr R~?+~~pielona (le waber prob~ea~a, caneultaLione aith cit~ <br />englneer, etc,) <br />Barbmra Haake moved to tablc Mr. 0lmpel~e requeet untSl the Auguat <br />Planning Cammieaian meeting when he ehould aome bsak with a eketnh pZsn <br />and comply Nith bhe minnr eubdiviaion prooedure. The Commiaeion would elao <br />like a drainage plen Yor thie aiinor eubdivieion. Thts motion aae <br />nsoanded by Nsnoy Burmeiater and oarried. (B eyse). <br />
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