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1975-10-22 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-10-22 PC Minutes
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tdINIJTES OF' THE MOUNDS VIEW <br />PLANNI~~O COMMISSION <br />~ , Oatober 22. 1975 <br />The Mounde View Pianning Commisaion was called to order at the <br />Village Kall by ite chsirperson, Barbrsra Haake, at 7:35 pm on <br />Wedneeday, Oatoher 22, 1975• The following mombers were presentc <br />Paul Pedor, Robert Qlazer, Nanoy Burmelater, Qerald Fo~o, Don <br />Maakeben, Robert Aoeammn and IIarbara Haake. Miohuel Lonergan an6 <br />Phyllia F]lanohard were abeent, <br />Me. Heake etated thnt Sn Septembar 24, 19'/5~ minutee there ahould <br />bo a oorreotion an page 1 regarding Doneld Balk. Tn the bhird <br />paragrnph, in the sentenoe "AO you feel tha~ we shou2d require the <br />oorner lot to go tn 16.5 or 100 feet", 1G.~j ehould read "11G.5°. <br />Nanoy Durmeiater moved Ea approve the minutoe as aorreoted, this motion <br />wae seAOnded by Paul Fedor and aarri~d, <br />ITEMS FOA CON3IDERATION: <br />The Gommiaeion moved ahead to item 2 on the agenda as Mr. Balk hac] <br />not yeC apF~eared. <br />PaCriak Pellgrino. Yroperty involved - 2848 Woodarest Drive - <br />variance requeat (fee). Legal deaeription: N y of Lot I03, <br />Knollwood Park. Mr. Pellgrino wanto to bu31d a hreezeway, <br />Dsn Hxngland repreeenbed Mr. Pellgrino. <br />1~ <br />(~n tAe abo~~e property a foundation presently exists olose to tha <br />property line whioh 1s used for storage. They desire to build a <br />hreezeway 16x24. The east and weat aides would be eulid, no <br />windowe, an¢ there would be stained glane on the north and aouth <br />eidoe, The properby line rune ndth and aouth, ao the 16 foot alde <br />would run parallal with bt~is property line. The lot ies large, <br />approxlmately 35 Co 40 feeC. Dir. Shelquiat atated that thie item <br />ehould haqe bee~~ kreated as a speaial permib, rather than a varianoe. <br />Paul F9duir then nteta$ that; conai,daring that the foundation ia <br />already there, he woutd move that w~,table this item unLil ttae <br />Cammisaion hae an opportunity to atuQy other cities e~round us and aee <br />how they are Robert Olazar seconded this motion and <br />it aarriad. (7 ayea). '~ir. Shelqulab further etated that he b~lieven <br />that we will opnn up the-whole queation of scoessory buil~ings agsin. <br />Mr. Y.ingland asked if it wera poasible to put a pitohed rao£ on the <br />exiating building and he wae told that the roof aan be rephired,but <br />hava no etructural abangea. Mr. Haake explained to Mr. jC],ngland thar <br />the above,gu'~,1eot wauld he dieausaed aYter the regular meating on <br />November 12, 1g~5, <br />~~..J! <br />
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