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1975-10-22 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-10-22 PC Minutes
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Mounds View Planning Commineinn Fa~e Two <br />~ TimoEhy L•ewie. Properby involved - 8331 Red oak Drive - minor <br /> subdivieion (fae). Legal desoription: unplatted lande: N. 101.25 ft , <br /> or s. i923.T5 reet or ~ 528 reet or w io55 reet or NE k, aub~ect to <br /> road in Sea. 6 T. 30 R. 23 - Mr. Lewie wanta to divide one lot <br /> 101.25 x 528 inbo two lota 101.25 x 282 and 101.25 x 183. The <br /> underground util~ties are already in. Oeraid Foae etated, that as <br /> long ae the Commission pet~mitted Traat B to be divided he aould see <br /> no oo~ntltione Co going along with this as we11. Ne moved bhst <br />' <br /> the Commiesion roaommand to the Counnil bhat they grant Timo~hy Le~vie~s <br /> requeet for a minor subdivision at 8331 Red Oak Drive aoaording <br />: <br />i <br />~ <br /> as <br />an <br />ng Comm <br />to the aketah plan bhat he has presented to the Plann <br /> oi~eat4ng a new lot, 101.25 feet wide and 183 feet in depth. Thia <br /> motion wea aeoonded by Nancy Burmeistar and aerried. (6 ayee, 1 <br /> abetention). t4o. Burmeister stated for the reaord: "In this oase <br /> twa lote are not divide~ equally beaauee of a hon~e being on one of <br /> the leta-uehe reoommettde L•hat the reet of tha lote that are not <br /> c11^tided be divided equa].ly. <br /> ~ <br /> Ralph Foreberg. Property tnvolved - 8081 Red oak Drive - varianoe ' <br /> requaet (fea). Mr. Forsberg is requesting a varianae of 3 feet on i <br /> the eide yard. The exiating garaga ie eet back 35 feet from sha,rwood ; <br /> Road. The new garaga will be a total of 484 equare footage, making { <br /> it a double car garege. aerald Fone moved that we gra,nt the three <br />~ <br /> foob va^ianne for Ralph Foreberg at 8081 Red Oak Drive, due to the <br />^'~'1 fect that there 1s a faur-way st•op thera, and sinoe there is an ~ <br />~,„ <br />,J exieting atructure there St would be x hardehip if thie was not 1;4 <br />,, granted. Further tha home is eet back 53 feet from Red Oak Crive. ( <br />' <br /> This motion wae eaoonded by Robert Rosaman and aarried. (4 syes, 2 naysr '~ <br /> 1 abstention). ,~ <br /> px 8:52 pm RobcrL Rosaman lef~. = <br />~ <br /> Ernest J. Danielson. Pnoperty involved - 9445 Eaetwood DriWe - ~ <br /> minor aubdi•risian (fee). Legai desexiption: Lo~ 5, Block 1, Danielson r; <br /> Addition.~ Mr. Danielson YQ requnsting two 81 x 234 lote on the nortri . <br /> eide o!,' the haiee, keepinP t.ho rest in or..e. (Acoording to the maater 1 <br /> p'an there are 4 loko at 101 feet). <br /> Barbara Haake moved thab the Commieaion reuommend to the Counoil ? <br /> bhat they approve Che two r~orth lnts facing (ireenwood Dr:Lve being ! <br /> 85 feet wlde by 6ti4 feet long, including the 30 foot road right of <br /> way easement, and the remalning ].at aoul.; be 235 feet wlde by 264 feet <br /> ~ <br />long, including the road right, of way essenent. ThiQ motion was <br /> aeaqndad by Oorald Faea and aarried. (6 a;~ae). <br />Duana MeCarty. Property invoivad - 8060 Long Lnke Road - variance <br />raqueat (fee). Mr. McCarty is requeating a variance for a driveway ` <br /> up to the north lot line. Thie driveway would go from ttie <br />houae at 8060 Long Lake Road to the existing feundaCion of bhe home <br />on the north/south side, awned by Wm. 0. Frits at 8072 Long Lake Ruad. <br />Mr. Frita wrote a letter ta the Planning Commission agreeing to this. <br />
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