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Mounds View Planning Commiasion Pago Four <br />i. ? <br />I~ <br />t~. <br /> <br />, <br />1~ J <br />Non-Fee ILdm: I,orraine gonin. Property involved: d3dU Lake <br />Road, requeats rev:ew of sketah plan for posaible ms~or subdivlsion. <br />Mre. Aonin explained to the Oommieaion Ehat it wae her psrar.Es thnt <br />owned the property. She wanted to know what the poeeib111ty is <br />02' being approved in 4he naxt Few mcntho ¢nd then her parente W111 <br />finalize ~heir plans. A discueoion followed wSth the Commiasion. <br />ANNOUNCEMENT5: Barbara HaakA etated that the Planning Commiaeion <br />will now m~et bhe 2nd and 4th Wednesday oS each month, exoept in' <br />Deaember v~hen their only meeting wi.ll be December 1.7. The nexS <br />meating of the Commiseion will be November 12, 19~5. <br />Nanoy Burmuister otated that ehe had a 11at of prooedures that ehe <br />woui.d read to Ghe Commisoion. 1. Whon any printed materinl is <br />handad ouE from the offios, and if there are a.ny questlono raised. <br />either Wally 3kiba, Mark Achen or the Aeeietant Building Inepector <br />ehould anewer thase queetions. if thoy are unavaileble a telephane <br />number ahould be taken and one of theee three wi11 contaat them at <br />a lc~ter time. 2. The Planning Commieaion ehould have on hand <br />whate~~er io needed the econing af their meebing, ie mapa, etc., <br />parhape mounted on tagboard. Mr. Shelquist added a few pointe: In <br />tha minutes of the P],anning Commission the Council would appx~eoiate <br />a s~atgment of what ia initially being requested, and thia should <br />aleo be put in the motion. lie also suggeated putting a map an the <br />board to a1Sow everyone to aee. <br />F'urther, 1t is the concenaua of tha P1anning Q~mmisaion that garages <br />not be permitbed en mo411 home lota, becauae open spaco is glready <br />minitAal iti mobil home aourte, and ie eaeential to tihe tiealth, <br />eafety and welfare oT lee residenbs. <br />The meeting was ad~ourn9d at i1:U5 pm. <br /> <br />r <br /> <br /> !' <br /> , ,,., <br /> ,,- . <br /> ; , <br /> u <br /> ~ <br />Respeotfuily submitted, <br />d Wan olm ~ <br />eoording 8ecretary <br />ir ~ ~ <br />