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Mounds View Planning Commisalon Pa~e Three <br />~ ~~r. MoCarty reco~nizaN the faat that hia existing ga:°age w111 have <br />to be olosed Aff within thirty days. Until spring, where t1~a <br />garage door ig now, there w111 be siding that will Y.ook like the <br />rest of the houee. Robart alazer moved that we reaommen6 to the <br />Counoil that ~hey approve the requeat of Duane MoCarty at 8060 Lor~g <br />Lake Road for a varienae Qs preaented on the e~etoh plan. <br />This motlon was seoonded by Oerald Fosa and carried. (6 ayes). <br />Mt~. Shelqulet ~taCed that the Cuunoll has denided that in. a ~oint <br />pro~eat request where a varlanQe affeeta two pieoes af p:v~er~y <br />only one v~riance fee will be required. <br />Donald 8alk. Property inv~lved 2656 County Road J. MaJor <br />subdivieion (1ot varianoea). The Counoil is having a hearing <br />on this subdivieion on November 10, 1475> and Anoka County and the <br />City oP BSaine have been nobifled to thSa effecb. <br />Hsrbara Naeke movad to resaind Donald Balk~e pre2lminary p18t <br />action that wae taken at the September 24, 1q75, P2anning Commiasicn <br />meeting. T;~Sa motion wae seconded by Robert dlazer end aarried. <br />(6 ayea), She further etated that Mr. Balk 2s before the Commission <br />with a praliminary plat propusing hi$ fina7, euggeation on his ma,~ar <br />subdivlaion: Lote 1,2,3 6 4 would be Lot 1, Lot~ 2,3 & 4 would be <br />82.34 x 234• Paul Fedor moved that we recommend to the C1ty Ceuncil <br />that they approve the maJor subdlv3aion of Donald Palk at 2656 <br />.^~ County Road J creating a new 2ot sp11t of k lots - Lnt 1 being <br />~~~ 264,68 feet x 234 feet; Lots 2,3 & 4 baing 82.34 x 234, ~nd thaL• <br />this be aon~ingent uoon a new final plat being ~resenCed to the <br />Council with these dimenaions on 1t. The final plat ta to be etamped <br />and itiitialled by tha buildi»g inspector prior to being given to <br />the Council. Thia motion was aeconded by Don Maokeben and carried. <br />(6 ayoe). <br />Ms. Haake movE~ to reoonsider ~he rtotion :egardSng Donnld Bglk's <br />subdiviaion. This motion was ~aconded by 4er+tld Foea and carried. <br />(5 ayea, 1 nay). Ms. Haake fi~.rther moved that the Commisaion recommend <br />to the Oounnil *.hnt thgy'approve Mr. Donald Balk's propoaed preli.minary <br />plat dated Oatober 20, 1975, as preeented this evening, or uependent <br />upon Mr. 8a1k~s deeieion regarding hie ma~or sutdiviaion, that the- <br />s~,adivision be divided ae follows: Lo~ l being 26U,68 feet x 234 feet; <br />L~ts 2,3, 6 4 haing 82.34 x 234, and that this be oontingent upon e <br />new final p],at being presented to the Counail v~ith theae dimensions <br />on it: The final p1Rt !.a to be stamped flnd initiulled by th~e building <br />inspecCor prior to being given to tne Council. Further, either plat <br />should indlcqte b 3 foot road easement on the norbh side. This motion <br />was seconded by Nartcy Burme3ster afyd oarried. (5 Ryes, 1 nay). <br />Don Mackeben etated for the recoxd bhat ho felt it was nat <br />fair to the Counci7. for the Planning Commission to take an eithRr/or <br />pesition. <br />`~ <br />