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1975-11-26 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-11-26 PC Minutes
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. MINUTE5 OF R'HE MOUNU3 VIEW <br />~ PLANNIN4 COMMI33ION <br />November 2G, 1975 <br />Tne Mounde View PlanninR Commiesion was called <br />H~11 by ite ahalrpereon Berbara Haake at 7i35 <br />November 2G, 19T5. The followSng members were <br />RoberG N'~?or, Don Maakeben, Miohae.l Lonergan, <br />Uerald ~u6s ~~d Barbara Haake. Rnbert Roaoman <br />were absent. <br />to order at the City <br />~m, on Wednesday, <br />preaentt Paul Fedor, <br />Phy111s Blanchard, <br />nna Nancy 0urmeister <br />The following correctiono were ma~a in the November 12 minutee: <br />Page 1, Add paragra~h, 5th senteno9, the figurea "85 x 2G4" nhould <br />be changed to reed '235 x 264", Page z, paragraph 1 5th sentenae, <br />the aord "speoiaiK ehould be rhsnged to "epatial'. ~he laeb eentenae <br />in that paragraph should read °8 syea", rather than "9 ayed." <br />Pago 2 6th pgrngraph, should be eorreoted to read "6" ayas, rather <br />L•han "3" syea. Page 3, 5th paragraph, should be ohaaged from 9 ayee <br />to "8" eyee. Fallowing thia the ineertion ahould tb mgdei Robert <br />}{qnson, 8408 qrovelan3 Rd., minor eubdtviaioh, A eubdivieion <br />far e lot eplit of equel widths at t~at addreatl. it waa moved 6y <br />Npnay durmeleter snd eeaonded by Roberb Roeaman that we reaommend <br />to the COUnoil that theY approve the ~ot split oT 211.G x 80 for aahert <br />Heneon~ Thie moElon carried, (8 ayee). In L•tie 7Ch paragreph, it <br />ahould ba ctfanged from "9" sY~+e ho ~'8" a~ee. The eame is true tor <br />~ bhe rinal paraqraph, ehanging trie "9" aYes to "8" ayea. On paga <br />4~ 2nd pa~regraph, it ahould Co carreoked to ^H" ayee fram the incorreat <br />~~,~,,,% "9" t3yetl. AfCer paragraph 4, the Pollc+wing ehould bp adderd: A motion <br />vrne mnde by H4.rb8rB Haeke end eeaonded by Nanoy Barmoie6sz~ ta take <br />from Lhe t$ble PaLrick Pelligx~ino'a reqqaet for eM eaceaeory <br />building. Th3n motlah narried. (8 ~yes3~ In pmragraph 6 bhe inoorrect <br />"8„ ayee ahould ~e chpnged to °6" aye4, Furthar, in paragraph 10 <br />the inoorreot "9" ayea ahould be ahange8 ta 108" aYea. <br />Aabert Oleser madn the moCion tio approve Che minutep as correated, <br />thi~ wss eeaonded by Phyllie Biarschard ttnd csrried. (7 t-yee). <br />ITEM9 FUR CON3YOERAh'IONt <br />Mr. Geviii L. Bianartnmtte, Propqrty invblvticl - 8312 Red Oak <br /> Minor subdl,viaian G2 lote). Mr, Bieaonnette'A rOquent !e to <br />areate ~i;n L-oAepad .7.nt tbet would Dm N73 feeb l~ng on the aouth lot <br />11ne by 182 feet on Red oak, 239 feet on :he n~irth lot 22no, <br />end 91 1'eet on Fatrchi2d, The »~w ldt qi7.1 be 41 flat xtde faairAg <br />Fairdhi:i~~ (Weet) and 234 feet on the North <br />PhyT?.ia Blanchard moved thnt we recommend ta thb Counoll thtt <br />tis~/ approve~i,r.e minor eubdivielon nf David L. Biseonnette, areating <br />a new N.Y. lut nr 91 reot on the Weet and 23~ feeC on Cho Nor~h. Thie <br />motion wAe ewoonded by Oerald Foee and oar.ripd. (1 ayea), <br />~ <br />
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