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1975-11-26 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-11-26 PC Minutes
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Mounds View Planning Commisaiun Pa6e 2 <br />~°~i Mr. Arthur J, Spagenaki (represente~ by Ron SmiLh) - pronertv <br />' invalved - 8231 EasCwood Rd, Pta~or eubdivialan (3 lota). The requeat <br />was to oreRte two additiorx~lots: LoL 1 being 95 x 169 feet; J.~ot 2 <br />~_ being B5 x I29.5 feet; Lot 3 being 85 x 147.5 feet, with a frnnt yard <br />; aet bank varianoe or z5 feet on Lct 2, and L•he same 25 feet aet bdak on <br />' Lot 3 facing Arden Avenue ~nd a 30 foot eot baok facinq areenwood <br />~. Drive, whinh is in aanformity with the or~indnae. The Commiaelon <br />~ Wae polled: <br />Qerald Fosa: z wauld like to aee him get the earianoe eo that he <br />could put up a nicer home. The home next to him io only ? feet from <br />bho road and theae lnte are. wide, 9ee no problem in glvin~ him the <br />5 feet. <br />Phy:lio 6lanchard: Will go alnng with it. Cen see no rsason why the <br />etreet would he widened end ha needs privaay in hin baak vard. <br />Robert ~laxer: Woul~ qo along, but would rather see a 2i~ foot set <br />back. <br />Paul F'edor: Qo a.long with it. Don~t see any other way of doing it. <br />Con Mackeben: qo oh~ection. I do think the 2~~ feet baol< would be <br />a better way to go. <br />Michael Lonergan: In favor of minimizing the amoun~ of bhe variance <br />to 27. <br />Barbara Haake: Qo along ~ith the 27 f"oot varianoe, too. <br />~erald Fose moved that we reaommend Lo the Councl2 the< thev <br />j"'~'~, grant Arthur J. 5pagenaki. hie requeat far L•ha 25 foot eAtback on <br />,a~,! Arden Avenue as he requestad and approve the ma~or eubdivieion at <br />8231 Eaatwood Rd as pre~ented tonighv in the survey dated November 26, <br />1975• Thie motlon xas seconded by Paul Fedor and oarried. (4 s~ee, <br />3 nayee). Me. Haake asked the diesenting aide if they would asre to <br />mske a aomment. Rotert ~lazer: oenerally support the motion to approve, <br />buti prefer ta see Che 274 oet udak on Lote 2•& 3, rather than z5• <br />3chulter & Arogger. Property involved: a~proximately 8;12 & <br />831E Pleasant Viaw Driva. Th~ aouth 3 feet of Lot 7 and all 0'2• <br />Lot 8 oS AuditoY`s Subdivieio'd No 89, Remsey Cpunt•y, Minneeota, lySng <br />weate^ly of the centei~ 11ne of Yleaemnt View Arive ae'now laid out and <br />travelled. <br />Oerald Fose axcueed hinself at 8:15 pm. <br />To ~xplain the request, there are now twa lota facing new <br />proposed Pleaeant View Drive. The North lot haa the rough dlmenaions <br />af W 153 feet by N~. 25~.44 feet. The SouCh lot that ie exiatir~g <br />is 17.0 feet on the West and 211.55 on the North. The request• 13 th&t <br />theae two lo~s Ue ~oined end re-aubdivide.d intn• three lots. The <br />dimensions o~ the three lote will be 91 feet wide, with deptha of <br />spproximately 180 plue feet. The Inepeation Department feele that <br />thea~ lota may be lower than the roadbed and apecisi considaratlon <br />should be given to that ae 28" a'~eve the roadbed is needad for a <br />~itildable lot. The staff feele it ie low. There is a five foot <br />~ e~sement that Sa to be taken on the Weab and East line for utilitg <br />.V, easemente. <br />
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