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1976-01-14 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-01-14 PC Minutes
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-3- <br />Paul b'edor eaid that when this ie put in we will probably have people <br />there during the n7.ght houre. Mr. MeNnhon replied that that is up <br />~ to tho city and tha ~ovarnin~ bad'.ca. It in fcnoibla thet it a~Sil be <br />~ attrsativa to the working people that cannot play $urinp, the day. <br />Th_ temperature in the building would be aet at 65 . <br />M~. Haake atated; You are going bo require a varianoe of 40 feet? <br />Mr. Tampesta repli.ed that the homes are ~0 feet off but their garages <br />are only 1J. However, everything w~uld come in the front dour. There <br />would be aisles aet along the aide to get to the bnek. Me. Burmeister <br />fi3kBd fitOU~ t~~a :onee outaide and wae told 1±~ wculd be a ehenqlinq fence <br />10 feeb h1gh. <br />Mr. Olazer seked what they will do with the snow and he waa ~old they <br />would aust pile iL•, neatly. There would be a fanca araund the parkinq <br />lot aleo but r.ot es high. <br />Nanoy Burmeister inquired about the lounge as to what kind oC facilities4 <br />Mr, McMahon roplied that it could have multiple uae: nuraery, visitorr <br />and playera. Ms. Burmei~ter state~ further: If you have a lounge you <br />may have a lot of people there. How many would you eotimate7 Mr. 61eMahon <br />atated that tihey wou7.d not se1S anythi~g in bhe lounge.and it would <br />aerve 60•-80 people. Maybe ~ust a pop machine, etc. Realistically they <br />would not hava many peopYe during the day. t~~r. 07.azer aeked about <br />matchos snd tournnments and the reply wae thet thin was very poseible but <br />only for a two hour perioa. The traf.tic wauld be continuel. <br />tQe. Burmaister asked about faoilitiea for penple t<i we~oh these matahee <br />and Mr. MeMahon replied that yea, there would be bleacnere, eo perhaps <br />4 times a year there may be a parking problem. h1s. Burmeister stated that <br />this le on s highway with a~ide ehoulder--could cause all klnds of <br />,~~~ problema. They answered thst that certlinly was poasible. Mr. Tempeeta <br />' suggeatod common ehare parking with an ad~oininq lot. The Pak parking <br />''^-' lob Ss spproximetely the same s!..e ae oura would be and could hnndle <br />another 4U cars. Me. Haske stated that thie muet be a properly drawn <br />agreement filed wlth the other ordinauce requiremente. Mr. 6lazer <br />ment•ioned that if a curfew was set this would hamper business and Mr. <br />Tempesta etated bhat that would be up to the Council. If they aet <br />11:00 he could not aee any problAm. Ms. Haake statod that they would <br />get a better feelinq on this when the pubaic hearing was held. <br />Me. Bui~meis'ter inquired about the faoi~ig on the bui].ding anC Mr. Tempeata <br />replied that this was ~ust ~1arcliiLectural concept. They are contemplatinq <br />several on the market, possitly enameled ateel or concrete block. Tha <br />entire exterior would be finiehed off. The front would have eome gls~s <br />and break for decora.tion. Me. Burmeiater etnted that tho bac}~ ~hould <br />be treated as equallv as the front and Mr. Tempesta stated thaL that would <br />be getting into heavy costa. Some of the baked ur enantel buildingo nre <br />very ~ttreative. Perhape bhey could discuss ix with the ownere and <br />decorate the west side ae well, mhey further atated that their aign <br />would conform ta the ordinnnce becauae moat of tiheir businese would be <br />attraoted hy word of mouth. Ms. Hsake aeked what their choice of colors <br />cvas and ~4r. MoMahon replied off white wlth apsce paneling of a darker <br />eh~de. <br />Ms. Haake atat•ed thst bhe Planning Commisalon doesn~t want otrip commercial <br />development in tihia llietrict as it ia not in any way conelatent with <br />their pian for Mounds View. Me. BurmeSater mentioneA that thie is <br />an area that is almuat unuseable, we either have e.n aFsrtment there or <br />~ f a reoreational facility. There would be more people in an apartment <br />LJ building nnd a oonatant density would thue result. <br />
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