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1976-01-14 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-01-14 PC Minutes
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-4- <br />~ M1te. fiaake then enumerate~ the tollowinp,; The Plannlnp, Commiaeion likes <br />the onnaept of a reoreational !'uaility. With regard to satbnak <br />~ requiremento: would havfl to have s front yard varianoe of 5 feet From <br />, j the l~t to thu lot 11ne, nnd 40 foot aetbeak varianoes on both <br />sideg of this buildinq. Mr. t4chfanon atated that 60 x 120 1~ re~ulntior.'e <br />ideal sltuatinn, cou1S shave but not 40 feot. Mr. Fedor eaid that if <br />it was an appealin~ typo of build~np he might go tor it. On the two <br />sides where you noed a 40 foot variance you arp ri~ht off somebody~e <br />dooratep. Mr. Tempeeta eaid that aa~ually th~y were 80 feet from <br />anybody~s home. ~ <br />Ma. ttaake asked if evepyone was ready for a aonaeneus of opinion? <br />tdr. Rosoman etatod that an 80 foot varianoe ie an aetounding fi~ure <br />and I dor~~t go nlang with it. Mr. Faes i~quired a3 to whether they <br />had explored buying another 30 or 40 faxt from the neighbora. Me. <br />Burmoister replied that we are changinp, it on paper buC it !.e goinp, to <br />be the same. Mr. Foss saSd that we ara not glVinp, ae big 9 verlnnce. <br />t4r. Fedor stated that gnod screening on the buildinR that people would <br />not mind looking at would be a good idea. Mr. DicMahon~ seid that they <br />aauld make it to euit Che Commission'e taete. If thie ia a feator, <br />the peop2e couid aelecti t,heir own. Phyllis Blanchard etated that the <br />purpoae in the Planning Commisoion is to go by L•he or3lnanee rather <br />then peraonal preference on buildings. Ths ~rdinance ie what tiir P1annSnR <br />Commisaton should be concerned with. At the public hearing the neighbors <br />will meke the fin~l deciaion. <br />Mr. 3helquiat etated that he would like to have the diecusoion eontinue <br />ae the exterior and the aetbacks are equally as important before the <br />epecial use parmit can he granCed. <br />~-~ Ms. Haake asked lT ~.t were po~slble to make Che exterior wlth briok <br />on bhe ~ast and east sides and Mr. Tempesta ateted that he felt they <br />_.' could come in wibh a pioture that will appeal. We don~t wattt it tq look <br />like a warehouee either. Ma. Burmeiater atated thet they know whati we <br />vrant and it is up to them to uome up with aomethingtie wauld like, <br />bis. Haake explair.ed t7ia~ the heering wi11 have to involve people from <br />15U feet away, withir a two blook area. Mr. Tempesta eaid that t~e had <br />diecuased this pro~eat with Midweat Planning and it was euggeets3 to him <br />at thei: meeting many of the factors. Mr. Fqse eaid that thie io a <br />apecial type of building• If it were properly landscaped he would go ' <br />along with the varianae. Phyllis 9lanahard atated ehe wae sgaineb an 80 <br />foot varianae, but if iC oou2d be rationallzed. Me.6urmeiater asid eh~ <br />couldn't give an answer. She ie stiil worried about the fAOt bhat it <br />is a large building dropped on a piece of land, bu4 the facility would be <br />an asset to the communiCy. Mr. 6lazer said he could not, go along with <br />the variance. Mr. Mackeben ataL•ed that it was exoell9nt utilizatlon of <br />land that has no other use, but cannot go along with a 10 foot setbsok. <br />Ms. Haake said, why even go to 20-2!i feot in our new ~rAinanoe. I would <br />itke to have the facillty there, but 11ke t,he 20-25 feet. If the buildihq <br />were dropped into the ground and build hills with evergreene, etc, it <br />could be attractive. <br />Roland N121er ntated that a number of people will have Y,o tear doWn <br />garages if we bulld 10 feet from everyone. Mr. Tempesta asked how <br />much time there was before the new coda ie a9opted and Me. Haake replied <br />7.n 6-$ months. t4r. Tempesta etated thst he could reapeot .heir <br />sltuation, but if we are talkinp, abouE .t0 or 15 feet it id e ahame. <br />But can understand the Cacti yau don't want to sst e preaedent. <br />Mr, t4111er state~ that we are Lalkinq about an expenae oT ~50,000--buying <br />~-~ double garages and the land. <br />
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