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1976-04-28 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-04-28 PC Minutes
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~ MINUTES OF THE MOUNAS VIEW <br />PLAIJNING COMMI38TON <br />April 28, 1976 <br />Tha Mounds View Ylanning Commieuio~ was called to ~rder at <br />the ~ity Hall b~~ it~s chairpeieon Barbara Hnake at 7:35 p.m. <br />on Wednesday, April 28, 1976. The followinq memhere were <br />preeents Phyllis Blanchard, Paul Fedor, Robert C3lazer, <br />tiancy Surmeister, Rohert Aossmnn,and aarbara Haake. Abaent <br />were: Gerald Fose, Don Mackeben, ar.d Allen Zepper. <br />Tho f~llowing ohangea were made to the minutae of the <br />April 14, 197ti meetings <br />Page 3, 4th paraqraph from tho bottom ehoul3 L-e deleted and <br />replaced with, "RObert Glazer e~cplained that he voted nay <br />on the abovei aupporting Steven Rose's opinion that they <br />ahoulcl apply Eor a ma3or sabdiviai~n now if a lot <br />Itr.oliwood is desired. Glazer said that aince the petitioner <br />,dmitted to thie xnd that the two lot epliti was only an <br />interim meaeure that the Planning Commiesion cou~d easily <br />be inched into a aituation that could ba difficult tu <br />reconcilo later. He felt that +_hia wouid be a poor precedent." <br />Page 2. 2nd paragraph the measurement oE 78.6 feet ehould be <br />~ changed to 76.6 feet. <br />Thd minubes were appr.oved ss corrected £or the April~l4, 19~6 <br />meeting. <br />MSP(Roseman-Blanchard) to take the Dale Halgren prope.rty an9 <br />Genevieve Dalberg property from the table. 6 ayes <br />i <br />MSP(Burmeiater-Roseman) to ta.ble the Dale Halqren request <br />and Geiievieve nal6erg request for 30 deys, uritil May 2'0'. <br />City is to infcrm them that if they are not back in 30 days <br />f~r actiai ~n their requeat, they w311 have to go thrnugh <br />L-he procesa ngain. 5 ayes <br />Glazer - 1 abstain <br />C2ara I'ord,833A Gravol.and - itam brought back to the <br />Plann ng Comm as on from the Council. <br />Ms. H¢ake explained that this item had Ueen approved as a <br />mi,nor subdivioion at the laet meetingr and tha Council had <br />aaked that the Plannfng Commiseion approve it as a major <br />suhdivis.ton nuw ae the future intent of the petitioner is <br />to oubdividp further. In makiny 3 lots out oP the 1 lot, <br />the interior aquaze f~ocage is there, it ia the frontage <br />that is lacking. <br />°°•~ MSP (6urm~ieter-Blanchard) to recommend to Council appr.ocal <br />~r of a msjor subdiviaion Eor Clara Ford, 8334 Gro~reland, <br />creating three lota: Lot 1 shall be 217..60 x 1G0 and Lote <br />2 and 3 facing Knollwood Dr, both b61ng 80 :: 211.60 with <br />5' e~sementa on the back lot linas. We will be varying <br />5' on each Lot 2 and 3 for front E60tdy8. G ayes <br />
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