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1976-05-26 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-05-26 PC Minutes
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MINUTFS OF THG MOUNDS VIEiJ <br />PLANNINa COMMISSION <br />t~tay z6, 1976 <br />f~ The Mounda View Planrting Commission wns aalled to order at the <br />City F{all by its ahairperson Barbara Haake at 7;31 pm on Wedneeday <br />May 20, 1976. The following memt~ers were present: Phyllis Hlanahard, <br />Oersld Fose, Don t4aakeben, Paul Fedor and IIarhara Haske. <br />Absent were: Robert Olazer, Nanoy Burmeleter, Robert Robsmari and <br />Allen Zepper. <br />The minutoa for the May 12, 1976 meeting were ~lmended as followst <br />on the 1at page, 5th paragraph, delete the worda "on the other eide" <br />and insert in lieu thereof tha words"wide lat• on the side with <br />the varlanoes requestyd". Page 2, 1st paragraph, delete the words <br />"suhm:.tted from" and Snaert in lieu thereof the vrnras "approved h,y'~. <br />On page 2, paragraph 7, delete the narr,e "Toas" and lnaert in,lieu <br />thereof the name "Fedor°. <br />The minutea wer~e auproved a.s amendc3. 5 ayes <br />ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION <br />Robert W. pruf~odt <br />ropel' rt~volved: 8346 (lroveland <br />141nor subdivieion (2 lote into 2} <br />y~.` Me. Haaka eYplained that the lot is 423.2 feet x 100 feet, snd hae a <br />i' 1 aplit of 150 feet on the Knollwood side.' Lot bhat faces Orovoland <br />~,~~~ ie 2~3•2 feet deep. He now wants two lote at 211 feet deep x 100 <br />feet wide. <br />Tn diacUSSing with Mr. Bruflodt why he was rea~pearing before the <br />Planning Commiaaion wlth hie previously appruved lnt ap11t, Mr. Eruflodt <br />stated that he had,a buyer for the lot and that said buyer eaid <br />that he would purcha~e the lot only if he could have addltional <br />depth on the 1ot to oorreapand with the other lots in bhe area that <br />were split equally, <br />MSP (Fosa-61ackEUen) that we reaommend to the Counc.l.1 that they grant <br />Robert W. Hrufladt~r~ roquest making the west lot 100 feet wide and <br />211.6 ft~et deep, the eaeC lot 100 feet wide by 21J,G feet daep <br />with 5 foot eaeements alanQ both rear lot linea. <br />5 ayes <br />Note; The reaaon for the request ef the evar~ lot sp11t was to make <br />that lot mar2 aaltab2e because it haa baen a continuing thing. When <br />the lot split waa origiually requeated in Slnuary, 1975, we had not <br />set a p1^ecedent on our equal lot sp7.its, <br />aarnet M. Nelson <br />roperty involved: 8310 LonP LQkP Road <br />Ma~or eubdivislon (1 1ot into 8) <br />~../ <br />
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