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1976-05-26 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-05-26 PC Minutes
Entry Properties
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8/28/2018 8:22:09 AM
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-2- <br />Attorney James Anderaon repreoented aarnet P~elson in thin maYter. <br />She is seoking a ma~or sub9lvlsion at 8310 Lonp, Lake Road. The paroel <br />!~ is 5z8.28 x 405• The eubdivision requesL• Sa to divide the property <br />with a line rcnning north snd south oo that there ia a larg~ lot, <br />and divi~ion of the baok loto into 4 aep~rate paroels. The parcola <br />are bound by Long Lake Rd and Oreenwood Drive, and the figures now <br />requested are 195 feet from the end of the ripht of way. All ut111tiea <br />exoept aewer are in the property. <br />Mr. Anderaon's etatemen*: it ie easy to talk about moving a barn <br />~id moving good Ao11, but it is not very feaeibl~ to do that. 81nce <br />he was not present in July aoncerning dividlnR lota even~y~, he <br />asked if, aeide from oymmetry, ie an~~thing else aecompliahed with equal <br />lot eplite. Yuwr ~oncerns are met reqardlesa of whether the dtvision <br />is made at 235 or at 195• The r~ason L•hat they aro met 4.a that the <br />three largest parcele of land are all seekinp to hava land divided <br />in the same~ fanh±on. (refetming to Charles }fe2~mann also). If the three <br />l~rgeet lots all have 195, he fea~is it is reasonable to assume you <br />will not have to wor.ry about the symmeL•ry. Purther, all the u~ilitlea <br />are in except the atorm ~ewer. Mrs. Haake had mentioned the poaeibility <br />ttiat the sewer etudy may indicate that ih ahould run narth and south, <br />As far ao Mra. Nelson and rtr. Hermann nre concerned, the village can <br />maintain draina~5e easement rights at 235• A~: the moment of its <br />acceptance the easement is dedioated. They would be happy to give the <br />v111age that easement. Mrs. Nelson anC Mr. Hermann are ve.ry reluatant <br />to pnrt with that particular piece of property, and there seem to be <br />;-~~ no compelling public policles that would draw any disbinetions between <br />; 235 feet and 195 feeY, as they requested. <br />Nanay Burmeiater arrived at 8:1Q pm. <br />Mr. Anderson ecntinued: the thinga that Mra. Nelson a,^e ~oiloeim2d <br />about ia ownerahip o° the land and where it is subdivided.. The <br />drainage ditch can be put in, etc.; the approval of the pl~t would <br />aESUre the village~s right. <br />Steve Rooe, Building Inspector, stated that we az~e speaking of a <br />aurfaae dz•aine.Re diLnh in a line. At preaent, if we allovr this <br /> to be recorded, the surface drainaqe ditch now will hsve to be <br />removed to make Lota 3& 4 build~.ble. <br />Mr. Anderson stated thet the drainage ditch through her garden ia <br />acceptable to Mrs. Nelson. <br />Ms. Haake stated that there is a possibility that a road could g~ <br />down the center. in the future. If the lots are 195 you will put the <br />onus nn the peo~le that have 2~10 Yoot lots. <br />Mr. Anderson stated that riPht now they w~uld be willing to take <br />that risk. At some point this Commisaion for the. C1ty of Mounds View <br />has to balance future concerns and best inte7~eete. hiy clienta have <br />livad on this land for 90 years. What he ie suggesting ie thaC <br />you have no inclination for .s ruad within the next 2C or 30 years, <br />and under those facts and circumatancea a balance test might be more <br />appropriate. <br />Ms. Haake replied that wa ara a Planning Commission and we do not <br />~~J want tu opera*.e on hindslght. <br />
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