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1976-05-26 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-05-26 PC Minutes
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-3- <br />Me. }iaake oontinued: the future ~taners will be glaci to 1<now that wo <br />thought of them in our planning. <br />~ Mr. Andereon etabed that hia elient will loae her senee of owninh <br />propei~ty, of having powen over her oti^.n property. They will go 90~ <br />af the way and happily conaede that easement whioh 1.s the only <br />immeditsL•e conoern, but they aennot underetand that they have to ~e11 <br />thair proporty beoauee there is a poaeibility that a road may have <br />to be put down the middle af their lote. <br />Mr. Fose explained that this is better overall Planning for the <br />oommunity. <br />Mr. Anderson atated that this does not malco nenso whe,e you have the <br />three largeet paraels of land, if granted, all equally subdivided. <br />Me.Haake stated that other people in the aommunity have hnd the asme <br />canoerne--they have had to have equal lot eplits. What do you eay <br />to them7 <br />Mr. Anderaon 6tated that if the Ingwald Johneon lot had not been <br />dicj~ed at 195 he could not say that. <br />Ms. Hsalee atated that viith regard to Mr. Dtoscow--the oity est a preceZent <br />a!~d we told him we had to dc it. <br />Mz~. Anderson stated that he hes troublc recogr~izing the desire to <br />divide luts eq4~ally when they are going to mest everyone ~f your <br />ooncerns with the aole exception that la far removed in 81me, There <br />are tlmes when the Commisaion has ari equal duty to look at eaah <br />individual situation. <br />Mr. Fedpr atated Chat we eit up here with a general policy whioh has <br />applied for over a yPar, except in real hardship cases. X cannot see <br />a real hardship here. Mr. Johnson~s real hardehip wse his garage. <br />~ Mr. Ander.son asked if the garage te worth more Chnn the ~arden end <br />the barn? While you say that you apply it evenly--the fact that there <br />Ss even one exception statea Chat you msde a value ~udgment. What <br />you are eaying 1s the ba:•n and the gnrden ia not worth sa much tu <br />Mrs. Nelson as the garage is Eo Mr. Johneon. <br />Mr. Foee stt~tcad Cha.t vie hsve never aonsidered. tC,e gnrden as a <br />t~nrdah±p. Thc anewai• Lu tha barn Sa that it is no longer esaential-- <br />it is not that mueh of e hardahip. A barn is no longer a neceoeiL•y <br />in thia communlty where a gsrage 1s. <br />Mn Burmeiater stated that the bar.n and ahed are used for stoxage <br />only nnd there Sa e garage that is ~uet used for one cax•. <br />Mr. F'edor staL•ed that everytime we grant a variance we have somonne <br />who wante th~ same variance with even leso hardship. We grantefl Mr. <br />Johnson his variance for hia g[ti•age--now if we did it it would Ue f~r <br />a shed, barn and garden--in two weeks it would be aomethiiig else. <br />How fsr do we go7 <br />~4r. Hermi3nn empha~3zed that his building has more value than Johnson's <br />garage. <br />Mr. Andereor~ atated that tney were not being'realistic. If y~~u grant <br />Lhe request of these property owners is someone on the other siSe of <br />town aay this ia a prec°dent? <br />Mr. Foss aske~l ,~l;ut hia thinking was as far as the dralnage easement <br />goes? If ti~e wenL to equal lot aplits as opposed to Yrhat you request. <br />He asked Mr. Rose if he foresaw any problems7 <br />Mr. Rose stated that it is always 15ast in ti~e city's interest to keep <br />ul~ utility easementa and p1•operty lines in the sama place--it ia <br />..~ more economical for the ctby if we c¢n keep the 7.inea strai~ht. <br />V <br />
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