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1976-06-09 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-06-09 PC Minutes
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<br />MINUTE5 OF THE MOUND3 VIEW <br />PLRNNIHQ COMMISSION <br />dune y, 1976 <br />u:A!' <br />The Mounde View Planning Commission was called to order at the <br />City Hali by ite chairperson Barbara xaake at 7:35 pm on Wednesday, <br />June 9, 19T6, The Tollowing members were preaent: Phy111s Blanchard, <br />Paul Fedor, Robert Olazer, Allen Zepper and Aarbq.a Naake. Absant <br />were: Oerald Foae, D~n M.aokeben, Nancy Burmeisber and Robert Roaeman. <br />The minutes for the May 26, 19~6, meeting were amended a~ follows: <br />~n the lst page, 3rd paragraph, 2nd aentence, delete the word "with" <br />and insert in 11eu thereof the word "wnere", and in the 3rd sentenae <br />delete the word "vsriances" and insert "verianee ie". On page 2, lat <br />paragraph, delete tha worde "ie a large lot, and divlsion of the baak <br />lots ~ntc 4 aeparate parcels, The paraele are Uaund by Long Lake Rd <br />and areenwood Drive, t~td" a,nd inaert in lieu bhAreof: " 7 lots; <br />4 lots numbered 1-4 faaing ~reanwood Drive and 3 lota numbered 5-7 <br />facing Long Lake Road." F'ollowirtg that delete "the figurea now requested <br />are" an3 ti~ssArt: "Tne depth figuree nnw requested on the west side <br />bnund by 6reenwood Dr1ve is". In the last sent•ence of that paragraph <br />between L•he worde "axcepb" and ~'sewer" insert the word "storm". On page <br />3, 4th para~raph from the bottom of the p~~e, 2nd sentence between <br />the wo^ds "a' and "gerage" insert the ward 'double'~. Page ~i, 7th <br />paragraph, laet aentence, deleca the "period" and insert: "at 195 feet in <br />from the weat 1ot line rather thari at an equal diatance between Cfreenxocd <br />~-~ Drive and Long Lake Road." <br />~-J MSP (Filanchard-Fedor) that the minutea be approved ;;s amended. 4 ayes <br />1 abst <br />Mr. ^lazer ahstained as he was not present at the May 2ti meeting. <br />ITEMS F~R CONSTDERATION <br />E. E. (iuetafson <br />Property ictvoived: Lots 5 to 2~, Slock g, areenfield Ylat 2 <br />ftezoninq (ft-1 to R-2) <br />Ms. Haake exp181ned that thia item had been tabled for 30 deys and <br />a mation vras neaeasary to take i,t from the table. <br />tdSP {Qlazer-B2enchard) to take from thP table Mr. fiustafson'a appliantion <br />for a rezoning. <br />5 ayes <br />Mr. Guatafson stated tYiet h~ had received a r,dpy of L•he new development ~ <br />contract and bhe stipulations in 1t wouid "rub him out" as far as <br />development was conaerned. Ori6inaily they wanted to reznne all the <br />land, Lots 5-23, but if they must abide with the cantraat ±t will reduce <br />±hem down to 4 lot3. ~ <br />Mr. Roae told him than it reads worse than it ia as all the items would <br />not perbsin to his development. He su~3eated proceeding with the rezoning <br />~ as there wiil be a development contrsct rec~uir.ed of him, but probably <br />not that aevere. <br />
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