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1976-06-09 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-06-09 PC Minutes
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6/18/2009 4:22:51 PM
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-2- <br />61r. Ouetafeon f'urther stated th¢t they have acquired :~p extra lot, ao <br />they can put 3 duplexes on 4 lote. Eaah lot w111 have a front foota~r, <br />~ of 1Q7 feet, and will be orlthtn the eode. <br />Ms. Haake said that he tiaill need a proPoeal so t,hat the neigliUorin~ <br />areas tivill know exactly what is caming in. The ~roblem that she presently <br />aeea is that in the present zoning, when you talk abaut 7 unita you <br />are getting into R-3, which is apartment zoning. At this tirr:~~ if <br />it is done R-2, you can never go higher than duplexes. If R-3, Chere <br />tvill be 8 haasle au they do not plan apartments for that nroa. <br />Mr. Fedor etated that right nuw, if bhe whole thing is rezonld R-Z, <br />by the tima you are ready to build, Che new zoning code wi11 probably <br />oe in effect. <br />MBP (Fedor-Zepger) to recommend to the Couneil that the approve and aet <br />for a public hearir.g.the rezoning request of L:.B. dustafson, 6reenfield <br />Piat 2, from R-1 to R-2, Lots 4,5,6 & 7 of Hloek 3, for the purpoee of <br />building cluplexea. The skeL•oh indicates the duplexes will have adequate <br />lot ni~e and will meet the side, renr and front yard aetbacks. <br />5 ayes <br />deorge Payne <br />Property invol•red: 82~J0 and $206 6rovelund Rd <br />Ma~or auUQ}.vielon (2 lot•a into 5) <br />Ms. Haake explained that applicant propoeee to combine bwo loce fronbitig <br />G'roveland, to make five. The J.ote xould all be equal at 80'' <br />and 210.3~ deep.. On Lot 2, Block 1 they a:e requestit~g a road easemant <br />~ for Mr. Sohm until Knollwood ie extended. 3he further atated that they <br />~~.„i might poaeibly approve a eplit of 5- 80 fodb lats, but they v~ould nat <br />ellow any building on the paraele until the road addition be brought in, <br />MSP (Glazer-nlanah~rd) to table the requent of 6eorge Payne, 2740 LaPorte <br />Driva, far the me~or aubdivision creating 5 lots from 2, .tocal:ed at 8200 <br />ahcl 8206 droveland Rd. The Planning Commioa7.on further reoommende that <br />Mr. Payne petition for the extension of Knollwood Drive before the <br />Plrutning Commiasion takes further action. The Planning Commiesion doee, <br />however, approve'of the bnslc r,oncepb of Mr. F¢yne'o propooed lot <br />eplibe. <br />. 5 ayes <br />~Fl~o ~d~~Via a~r <br />rope~- rty involved: 7815 Woadlawn Dr. <br />Niinoi• subdivis3on (1 1ot into 2) <br />Thls request is to make ane lot that ie 263.40 x 125 feet into two lote; <br />the eas,L• lot frcnting 6ona Rd would be 132 x 125, and the weat l~t facing <br />Woodlawn Drive would b4 131.42 feet on the north line x 125 feet wi$e <br />and the so:ith lot line approximately 131 feet deep. <br />MSP (zepper-Fedor) that we renommend bo the Councll that thoy approve the <br />lot eplit of Floycl Visger, 7815 Woodlawn Dr., wi,th the abave desar3t~efl <br />metes and tiounde, wSth the 5 foot eaeement on fihe back lot lines. <br />.. 5 aYea <br />~ <br />
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