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-U- <br />Jaak & Kenne~t~h K~ru ~en <br />roper y invoiva~-b48~i aroveland Ad <br />~ Ma,1or subdivis].on *(2 lota into 11) <br />Me. Haaku stated that the request is Tor Cwo lota Snto 11 lote, 460 x~2j.2, <br />Tl~ere will bu three oubetandard lote. They are also aokir~ for a rezoning <br />on the top three loL•s along County Rd J, Lota 5,6 & 7. The lots that <br />are deficient are Lote 9,10 and 11. 9he explained t~ them that we have <br />a new comprehenaive plan and that arpa has been zoned for R-1 reaidentiel. <br />Mr. Krugen ateted that the 3 aubetandar~ lota, 9, 10 A 11, flre thst wqy <br />becauae hE wants to keep the trees along the south eide of his property, <br />The treea aro the reason for his wide aide ~ard setbaoke. HA would like <br />to rezone the top 3 lots to R-2. <br />The Commiselon wae polled as to the idea oT rezonin~. <br />Me. 8lanchard ntated that they have duplexea there already and ehe <br />wouldei't make a decision at this point. <br />hfa. Burmeister wanCs to leave in at R-1. Mr. alazer agreed. So did <br />P~ir. Fedor, because of ~ounty Rd ~T snd the traPfi.c on it he ,rauld also <br />like to oee the ~teptii af bhe roada more tihan .100 faet so that the houses <br />can be set back further away from the traffia. <br />Mr. Zepper wanta to leave 1t at R-1, ae does Me. Hanlce. Mo. F{aal:e then <br />etated to Mr. Krugen thaC the oonaenaus ol the Commisaion wso no Tor the <br />rezoning. She further exploined that it would be poesible to crecb3 <br />4 lots for R-1 and in that way get more for tbe lots, as bhe g large <br />lots have leos econamic value thar. do those on Knollwood and arovalsnd. <br />(~ To do thia Chey would have to deepe» thc lots along County Hd J. <br />Ms, Hurmeiater ststed thaC moving the lot lines past the troees would entail <br />losing ownerehip of the treeo but they would still be there. She'ciid not <br />feel that L•his waes a problem. <br />Aftar diacuseion it wae decidad to stay with the 3 lota nlong County Nd •7 <br />and lsave it R-1. The Ylanning v'ommission alao OKsd Che aketah plan <br />and reaommended that Mr. Krugen have a preliminary pla~ drawn up. <br />61SP (Fedor-Zepper) to table thls matter for 30 days. <br />6 ayes <br />Sandra 9urkG Harle <br />Property nv~ ve~ 835i Clroveland Rd <br />Minor aubdivlsion (1 lot 2) <br />It was explained that this is a subdivision of two loto croa~ing 'L•wq lobe. <br />'Che property ie located in (lustafson~s`First AddlCion, I31ACk 1~ LOb9 2& 9. <br />The houee slts on tho east lot with tlie ga^age and drive on ~he 'west lot. <br />To keep a 30' rear yard the east lot would be approximateZy ~.42' deep. <br />The shed loented behind the house would have tb be removed. <br />M~. Haake further expl&ined that the h~uoe is located on Lot 2 with the <br />garage and driveway on Lat 9• The old lot line will have to be abandoned <br />and the new ane ahoul~ be placed ;~0 t'eet from the 6ar.k of the house, <br />~ <br />