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-3- <br />Wilhert Johnson <br />roper y nao ved; 6953 Pleadantview Dr. <br />~ Variance (atorage ahed sy footage reyuirementa) <br />d1r. Johnson is requeatittg a variance to build a 12 x 18 foot etorsge <br />ehed for etorage of his boat, lawn traator, lawn sweepei~, uto. HiA <br />existirig garage, 1041 aq feet,novr holds two nars end houaes a ahop <br />in thR rear. The existing ordinanee atatea that garage size ie 864 eq ft <br />and an aoceseor;~ building ie 12 x 12. Ne is aeking for a vaTl.ance <br />of ~~ sq feet for an acaeseory bLtildin~. It would be a metal building <br />5 feet Prom the south lot line and the door tuould be g6" wide. <br />MS(Blanehard-2e~per) that we approve the 72 foot variance for the <br />atnrage ahed at 6953 Pleaaanbview Dr. <br />Mr. Fedar atatefl th~t in thi~ particular ca~P maybe it would be a7.1 right, <br />but the door will be opened up again. <br />At 8:43 Pm Nancy Burmeister arrived. <br />Mrn ~}lazer stated that his reaction ict also negative as we do have an <br />ordinanae. If thie is becoming a common problem m3ybe we 5hould address <br />it to the ordinance itaelf. <br />;4r. Fedor auggested deai~ing whether our ordinance needs changing. <br />A vot•e was taken on the motion. 2 ayee <br />2 nays <br />~fQe. Burmeister and Mr. Fedor t~bstainad from voting. Moticn was 2 abat. <br />defeated . <br />Mr. Fe3or atetecl that if w~ are bo approve this cype of thing it ahould <br />be dane throuah a changP 1n th~ erdinance. <br />Mn. Burmoieter asked how long are we going to keep chaciging because of <br />conditions? <br />Mr. Fedor moved to table it until we take another look at the ordinance <br />and bhis moti~n died for lank of a sec~nd. <br />M8P (Zepper-alazer) ti:at we reconsider the previous motion for approval <br />of Mr. Johneon's variance. <br />5 ayea <br />1 nay <br />MS(Zepper-Blattchard) that we approve Idx•. Johneon~o varian^e of <br />72 9q feet at 6953 Pleasantvlew 3 ayeo <br />3 nays <br />Mr. Cilazer suggested aaking the Council to review thi.s and Mo. Haake <br />suggested accepting Mr. Fedor'e requeat tn table it. <br />tdSY (6urmeis'ter-~epper) that becauee we have an even number af <br />Planning Commissi.on membere here and hnve a tie vote that we table the <br />request until the Ja~,ne 23 meeting where we probably will have an odd <br />number that,will possibly break the tie vota. <br />6 ayes <br />~./ <br />