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1976-06-23 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-06-23 PC Minutes
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~J~ <br />. P^,r. Fona aeked l~~ow many elaen room~i the,y have and what ia their anp~citv? <br />Prtr. Daire rn~lied two large olano ronms in the contera and nraund <br />,P"~ the out5lde ef thin there are 10 roomo alsc used. ThQy keep the <br />~ ,a children in the largor roome and uoe tP~e emaller roomn for opecittl <br />"' olassee, with about 30 etudento in eaoh one. <br />Mr. Fos4 askod if the enrollment oraa ohangeft, how wot~ld thoy be <br />accommodnted7 Pdr. Bmeltzer replied 'chat rhay would uae aome of <br />the tutorinE rooma. <br />i~i^, roea ssked iC they nlso t~ave additional apaae for tha fldults <br />and Mr. Smeltzer ronliod that the aduite une the down3tairs, the <br />ahildren are uE~otnira, The only wa,v they Qnn ndd more elamentary <br />etudento ie to take anme of the do~r~n 3tairv aren. <br />Mr. Daire axpiained that downetniro they havo a]orp,e olaseroom, <br />with notentially two classroomo on either eido that would houae 3~-35 <br />adulte and. in the center ebout 125• <br />Mr. 5moltzer stated that it ia poaeibla tl~ey will add some etadents <br />but he oannot picture them going over 1G0-120 eind mo~t their needs, <br />depepoing on what happene to the Aible eahool. <br />Mr. hlackeben atnted tiiat what the iaeue is, in whnt wil.l tha impaot <br />be on the neighborhood. '"he building was for a churoh nnd wo grsntad <br />a use For a school--what .ui11 happen aftor that7 Can we expnnd it7 <br />Mr. b'eaor `J~,Sf:Ct1 Y.llot hc ~'el~ thE ~cAy issue waa--how muaM can the <br />grounds hsndle for that number of nhildren7 You do not really hnvn <br />enough room for them now. <br />Mrs. Nora Andluden, 79aa Sunnyside~ asked why they don~t use t;he <br />parking lotR <br />r,.~-~ Mr. Dait~e replied that that la a poanibill.ty but the~ have Eo me~intain <br />~ 1 ground oover bher4. <br />. <br />a~„ <br />tdr. Truskowski brought up again the classroorns--at one L•ime they were <br />uaed for aborage and offiaes? <br />Mr. Daire replied that at one L•ime we had the northeast alas~room <br />being uead for guests to stay overnight, and another of the rooms ie <br />now being ueed as part.of the tape miniatry, down etaire on Lhe east <br />aide they had paper storage when they had the printing minietry <br />operating, and tha large classroom was ihe printing ahop, One room <br />in the far north ie being ueed ae a library. <br />Mr. Truskowaki aaid theee small rooma you are pointing out as <br />classrooms are noC claearoome thrn, He! sRain recommended that they <br />nat be allowed to bui2d on at an;J time. <br />Mr. ~meltzer stated thxt tho number of clnasraome were not inoluded <br />in tha rocma that Mr. TrusknGaski is talkinq about, <br />Steve Roae stated that the rooma themeelves all mr~et sCate clanarcom <br />requiremenbe. <br />Ma, liaake aeked what is the aq footage of tha totsl lot and Mr: ??aoe <br />replied 200 x 231. <br />Ms. Blanahard askad him 1c he hae mcra children coming in how wou].d <br />they arrive, by bus, private automob4les? What are the parking <br />. faoilities? <br />Mr. Duire replJ.ed thst right now 50~ are buaed. The other 50~ ers <br />brought by parent~s cat~s or car pool situationa. The buses stey <br />'~~~, through the day and they do meet requiremen~e on parking for the zonin~ <br />~~ code. <br />
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