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1976-06-23 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-06-23 PC Minutes
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-G- <br />• t4r. Truakowaki otated that bhere is as miioh conp,eetion on the atrePt <br />as there is in Uhe ~arlsin~ lot. The ver,y reason that we are h2re <br />~ today is tl~e renson the ahut•ch moved--thay didn~t have room. <br />14n. Burmeieter aeked ~f the parkinR lot aanommodate3 all the o$ra <br />in tha evening. <br />Mr. Da1rR replied that he hus ahecked out parking epaaes and there <br />were aome left but people were stia.l parking on the street. They <br />do not litco it, and have inetruuted the members of the congrogation <br />not to. The raoponsibility for pa2lcing the parkinA on the eCrret <br />is the paliue. <br />bir. Foss ineerted that park3ng is alwnys tough--tho same holds true <br />for Red Oak Sahonl. <br />Mr. Truakowski stated that he ia still aoncerned g~ a neighhor. <br />~ It is aongested now. If you can~t police the adults, how will you <br />poliee the ch3ldren? <br />t4s. Burmeister stated that whan AUiding Suvior was there it wne the <br />bame Ching. <br />Mr. Truekowaki atated that that is why Abiding Savior moved out-- <br />no rnom, <br />Pqs. Andluden stated that she Pelt that there should be a top limit. <br />Mr. Mackeben asked her if the children dietu,~oed hor? <br />D;s. Andluden replied ttiat they only go over the carner of her Zct, <br />and have not bothared them very much. However, it might be bad <br />if there were twice as many. F~ut thoy ~re ~cnorally surerv].sed. <br />Mr. Coony etated that rr.any sahools have property and then maybe a <br />road--thera are phys3cal pr~blemo there. <br />Mr. hlackeben asked him what would his reaction be as s neighbor iS <br />~ St woru Sncreased? <br />:4r. Coony replled that had he known that oonaldersL•ion was being <br />given toward expanaion it may have affected his decision to move. <br />`a.~s' <br />Mr. Daire atated, that to aummarize, what they have placed before the i <br />~ommiseion is not final. We want t~ be regulated 1n the same way ~ <br />othere are rogulaCed. Under present conaideration is the revision <br />of th~ wording in Section IV and we orill go on from there anQ plaao <br />reaeonable regulations. <br />Ms. Haake asked if it cvere requeated that you nave,playground equ7pment <br />put in +~nd put some i"ence around that area, would you do that7 <br />Mr.. Daire replied that one option would be that the Bihle School <br />would be diep?aced. Thaq the parking Chat the students are now <br />ooaupying wuuld be vaoatod. That would provide a who].e area for play <br />spaca. fleoauso of the due.t prob2em we 'at~e puCtinE monay aside to <br />pav~ thaL now. ~ <br />~4r. Truskowakl coneedad thut for aound abntement bl.ceictoppi~g would , <br />certainly be an improvement. He asked what they Sntend to do w].th ~ <br />the snow? You have been pi11nS it in my bactcyard. { <br />Mr. Deiro replied L•hat that ics rs consideratlon that the Planning ~ <br />Commission would address. <br />iNe. Haeke stat•e3 bhat the problama aeeM to be the ahildren and the ; <br />late haurs--maybe there should be apeoified houxe. j <br />Mr. Daire replied that Chey are ~ust asking thst they be treated 11ke i <br />any other Taailit•y in the community. He Poele Chat it is good that i <br />Mr. Truskowski rnised these ~notcera, but if he S3 having pro6lema <br />with disturbinq of the pexce, he ahou2d complain to the police department.; <br />
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