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1976-08-11 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-08-11 PC Minutes
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rai~auTrs or m~irs ~aoorrns vrrw <br />PLAPININO COPitdISSICN <br />AUguot 11, 19~G <br />/ r <br />- The ritound3 Visw plu~min~! r,ommisaion vrna aalled t~ nrdar at the+ City <br />I{all by its chuirnernon 13arbaru }(ua1<e at 7:30 pm on Wedneoday, <br />Augua~ 11, 197G. The follootin~ membere were preeent: Nanoy Aurme+.ater, <br />Oerald Posa, Allan 7epper, Robert (11Fi2~I•~ and Barbara tlaake. <br />Abaent were: Paul P'edor, Phyllia Alanchard, and Don Mackeben. <br />The minutes for the July 28, 1976, meeting were spproved as read. <br />5 nyes <br />ITEMB FOR CONSIDIiRATIOY <br />Donald Bauer (Bauer Welding & hfetal Pabricator.s) <br />~oper y~involved; 2159 ~4ustang Aoad <br />ReView City's Requirements. <br />Thia is a requeet to 3evelop a metal fabrioation plant in ~dounds View <br />Induetrial Park, The proaoaed atructure is to be 200 x 200 with a <br />Phaee I addition of 115 x 200 and Phase II additlon of 225 x 200. <br />Total Uulldin~ size to be j40 x 200 when completed. The staff atated <br />t:hat surface drainage will natura].ly Tlow to the North and ¢p~licant <br />hae agreed ait.her to place s holding pond tu socommodate to m¢x.imum <br />runofP or to do a study to see what the impaat wou.ld he to the <br />^ surrounding ares. Further, th? City has an existing 30~ uEility <br />( aasei~ient alon~ thc Plorth end of the property and it 1s presently ~aaed <br />\_~' to travel to Water Tower M2. Also the Fire Chief hae etated Chat the <br />app2laant must extend an 8~' mnin and hydrant inbo the property, id:•. <br />Fc:^t a'lso atated that if Mr. Bauor can get the optner to give the City <br />a road easement they would be very receptive to that, <br />The Commisalon disaussed tabling this matter as they will need reporte <br />bac:c from ths Rice Creek L~later She3, the Fire Msrshall, etc., and bwo <br />weeke should not make that much dif''erence. t4r. ~lazer wr~nts to <br />find out what the environmentsl impact would be and Mr.'Fase~etuted <br />that he would like to encourage this L•ype of development and he felt <br />we ehould allow P+!r. Bauer 'to get started thie eveninE• Counailman <br />Shelquist steted that ~ahat,ever action ie taken, the Cammission should <br />canbinue~to discuss it thoroughly so that tihey do not come back and <br />get surpr~aed, rie thia wou13 nub go through the Coupail unti.l it ~tept <br />tl~roug!~ all appliaable agenaies. t4s. ~urmelaL•er etated that ahe would <br />like a aopy of thcac recommcndations from the arenoiee san: to the <br />Ylanning Commi.ssion. <br />MSP (Foas-7.opper) to recommend to the Council that they agprove tha <br />concept of the applicant, Gonald Dauer, 2159 Muatang Road. The request <br />ie to develop a metal fabricatior. plant, proposed et.ruoture to be 200 x 200, <br />with a Phese I Addit].on of 115 x 2U0 and a Phase II Addibion of 225 x <br />200, total bulldinK,bo bo 540 x 200 when ~omp7.eted, ~uU,~ect L•n bhe <br />fallowinP conditions: <br />~ 1 <br />L/ <br />. , , , ,,. , <br />
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