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1976-08-25 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-08-25 PC Minutes
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~dINIITES OP THE t40UPID5 VTfi4! <br />PLANNTAJiI COMM1IIS5ION <br />AugUnt ?!i, 1976 <br />~ The f~Tounde View Planninq Comminaion was called to order at Lhe City <br />Hall by its ohairpereon Harbara }[aaice at 7:30 pm on 4tednesday, <br />August 2y, 197G. The tollowlnp; memBers were presentt Nancy Burmeister, <br />Qr.ruld'Fose, Robert aJ.azer, Paul Fedor, Phyllia 6lanchard and Barbara <br />Hankp. Absent were: Allan 7.opper and bon 6laakeben~ <br />The minutea for the Aup;ua~ 11, 1975, n~eebin~; were correr.ted as followat <br />on page 2, ldt paragr~~h, delotc the P?.~rure "90" and insert in lieu <br />thereof the figure "10', and aftnr Che vrox~d "area;" an4 before the word <br />°i'inal" indei~t: "and Lhe grcen nrea of H dietattce of epproximate'_y <br />90 feet'~; b'urbf~ec, hir. Olazer tuanted the reaeon for hie vote "nay~' to <br />be noted in the Pete,r. Jord;in matter (page 2) n3 fallows: "Nothing had <br />ehangad since blr. Jordan's first visi.t, none of the circumatances had <br />ehanged surroun3ing this iseue." <br />PQr. 6lazer eAntinue9: Aarely do we get approval from Ric~ Creek or the <br />?CA--perhapa we slioulcl be thinking about wording a resolution to indioate <br />that we will review their aommenta and try to oome up wi~h a resolution. <br />~4s. 6urmpiater stated that we nevcr see the reporta and when we a~tc <br />for tihem we never get them. We ahould aok that tt copy of these reports <br />be sent to the Planning Commiseion. <br />MSP (Hurmeister-Fedor} that the minute~ be approvpd ss corrected. 5 aves <br />fMr. Fosa had not <br />~l ,~, yet errived) <br />`L,,,,~J <br />Ma. I{aake atated that we should set a policy if we are goin~ L•o aomment <br />on sket•ch plaria, Ma. Burmeister said that by abstaining we ehauld have <br />less problema. tdr. 6lazer felt that if the people took the trouble <br />to oome dovrn they do deserve every conai.deration. He also felt that 3t <br />was the poor t~ttendance recurd that gets tham int•o ~rou6le. tds, Haalce <br />said that sometimes the memberahip does change thQir vote themselves. <br />The problem ia that the people coming ln feel that it is an offinial <br />vote--perhaps the straw vote ehould be avoided. ~6e. Rurmeiste: sa19 <br />that thls does giVe them an indication of what they have to c~~rk~crct. <br />lJe et~n only net on the formal thingv--the people with ~uat• the sketch <br />plans could b~ left until the Tormal meetin~r lu over if the,y luttt vrant <br />our ideaa and sugqeationa. ~ir. Fedor atated tha~ those with'only a <br />eketch plan can only be given eaoh 1r.div3dual's viewpoint, He felt <br />thslt the straw votes shouZd be aliminated alea. , <br />tT6IsS POR CONSIDERATTON <br />Gd 13rickaon <br />roperty involved: ~2G5 Spring Lalce Ropd <br />Pdlnor subdivielon (1 lot ir~to 2) <br />t4r. Rose gave the folloorin(~ dimeneions: upring Lake Rd 80 feet north, <br />where you go east 218 feet, nor~h 100 £eet, south 127 Ts~:~, west ~0 feet, <br />°, F~ubh 53 feet, Vrestarl,y 35z•13 feet. The propoeal ~s to split the west <br />1 1 210 feet which is in line to hia neighbor to the norbh. The vrest lot <br />a•~ to be 80 x 218, the eESt lot to be 180 x 214.].3 axcept the southe?~st <br />corner 53; x 70; ~•thieh ia owned by the City. <br />
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