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-2- <br />Utility easementa would have to be ineluded for both paroe2~. The <br />~r~ problem ie~ tbaL ho aan subdtvido further and thlo ip pihat ato££ reoommenda. <br />f j Idr. Gri~kaon stat:d that his 6uyer, who is e builder, 1s perCecbly <br />*- willin~ to buy the cornar owned by the City. <br />14p. Ilurmeietar ataCed Lhat ahe could not see orhy the buyer would have <br />any ob,~ectlon to aoming in at the same time ns kir. f•,riakaon, as he tuould <br />have to come in anyw~y, i•ir. C1lazer atated that ttc was leas than <br />ehthusiaatic about some of the reaaoninp, behlnQ this, tdr. Fedor atated <br />that he would lilw to eee tha ~orner ioaue resolved before anything <br />is done. <br />bis, Butmeister further stated tY~at they cannot get any ap~roval tvnight <br />anywsy eo urhy not, in the meanbime, contact• the buyer and when P4r. <br />6rickson com,ee baok the buyer can come back at the eam~ tirne. D;r. Fedor <br />aaid tltat this would go through the Commiasion more eaHily if Lhe oorner <br />were purohased and all linQd togetlier. <br />:~r. Rose said thai; the rea~son it is talcing so long is that t•he y4ate <br />gave it to the city and the city cannob 3e11 it. It has to k~e given <br />baok to the state. <br />Ms, Haake asked: nhould we hsve him go back nnd p;eC a aurveyor~s <br />certlficate for a miuor aubdivlsion7 Lot the buyer hasele with the State. <br />Mr. Fedor enid that he would abotain from an opinion. Ms. Blanehard <br />said that St looks llke a aimple lot aplit if he brings in the <br />,.~ certiflcate. <br />~~ Councilman Shelquist stated thet it is less than f:xir--there is no 1ega1 <br />holding that he subdivide that beyond what he want~ End he should be <br />allowed to do what he wantn. Mg. }{aake told Mr. Erickson thati the <br />next time t,hey sep hlm he ehould come in with hie aurveynr'e aertificate. ' <br />It Sa legal they way that he hae planned it an hie lota are the right s12e. <br />Couttcilman Shelqui.ab stated that if you try to ~o through two minor <br />subd3vis~.ons in one step the County'may want it platte3. It may he <br />better to dn it in two stepa. It woul,d be preferable if the buyer <br />would go along and p].at the tiahole th1n~. <br />Mid „ontinent Mana ement <br />roper y.nvo.ved: 3~ Highway 10 <br />Special Use Permit (liighway Sigrr) <br />Susan Kaeter, 5445 Jackaon Drive, renreaented 'i'he 8unde Apartmer.ta. <br />3he explained thst the Sanda is a 90 unit apartment nomplex manaqed <br />by Mid Continent and cshe is the prqperty manage=•, She did not realize <br />that there was a s3gn ordinance pa~sed Anfl°that the City does noL• want <br />another sign on fiighway 1Q. The reasan~ for their putting a aian <br />up on the.Launching Pad prope.rLy 1s that their aPartnent,s arfl~the moet <br />expensive ones in f~Ioundn View and they t~re fac:ing a grave vacancy <br />problem. They do not ha~Je visib111ty from Hlghway 10 and she et.ressed <br />that thie would Ue only a temporary measure. They are intereated in <br />plecing a sign on that property for approximately 6 montho to a year. <br />~J+ f4r, Foss arrived at 0,12 pm. <br />