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~ ,,,,,„.i <br />:izt~~omFS of~ m~ts t~aouNOa vzr•.~u <br />PLAN11IN0 COPit1IS3'~OtJ <br />Sentem~ei~ 22, 197G <br />Tlie tdoundo Vleiv PlannLng Commiesion was called to nrder at the City Ffall <br />by itr, chairperson ~arbara Haalce at 7;30 pm on N7edne~dny, Septe~7ber 22, <br />197~• 'Ptle fo11u471ng mem~ers ~•rere present: Nanay Ourmeloter,0erald I'osa, <br />riobert Poas,RoLert (llazer,Pau1 Fedor,Phyllio l3lanchard,Allan 7,eppor, <br />Don biaclceben and Bart~ara ]faake, <br />Tlie minutes for the September F1, 1~7G, meeting ofere aarrected as follows: <br />lst nfl~e, bth paragrap}i, 4bh nentence, After the worcl "di~tanae" <br />inccrt L-he eiords "in a normal aituation" On 2, last senLence, <br />the vote should have read "3" abstain3, r~aLl~er than "2" On pnge 3, <br />puragraph ~, oentence 2 delete the ~oorQ~ "x 2;?G.00. T~~e remaining <br />ttilc rear lots rrould be 1~10 x 22'/.11 and 1~10 x 227.11" and inaert in 11eu <br />t}iereof the rvords, "feet wide. 'Pf~e norLh lot (Sohm) vrould be !JO x 4~3.e0. <br />The tvro remalning lobs faotng 6rovelaud rrould be a0 x 226.0). The toro <br />lots facing proposed ICnollwood would be ti0 x 227.11." t-lr. Qlazer <br />as)ced that the follovrin~ be added to the GeorEe Payne petitlon: "The <br />petitlon for the development of the road with its six 31Ened residenbo•-- <br />all of theee residento vrouiQ not be fronting on bl~e propo~ed lCnollwood <br />Drive. Out of the six, five ~re affected. Only one home did not have <br />to aign'.° On page 5, 2t~d para(;raph, lst 3entence, a comma should be <br />in~erted after the 3vord "on'~ and before the word "the". <br />I~iSP Chat th~ minutc:a Ue approved ag corrected. <br />8 aye3 <br />(~'~'1~ STEMS POR CONSID~RATTOAI <br />\.~ <br />Francla W~i~~d ~e~r~ <br />ronerty ~vo~ved, 8425 Red Oak Drive <br />I~ta,jor subdivision (Widger Addition Preliminary P1at, 1 lot into 4). <br />lot facing fted Oalc Drive vrould be'75.0J. x 239.Oy. The south lot <br />would be 87.01 x 239.07. Cn the ~aat Hide, facing Sttnnyside, the two <br />lots botn would be 81.01 x 23~~. Staff stated that services are provided <br />for two 'lots frontin~ Sunnyside and r~re available for both lots fronting <br />??ed Oak Arive. Lnts 2,3, and ~I vtill have substandard fronts~*ea (hardehip) <br />nsitina for o. varlanae a~ the csetback of the gttrage to tne lot lint~ on <br />Lot 1 is los~ than 5 feet. The exi~ting drive~ray on Lot 1 should t~e <br />moved to cotiSorm with the 5~ netback requirement~. Utility eae~~mente <br />are proper, bUt staff etrongly urges a 10 Poot eademenL- for utillties. <br />Applioant proposes to subdivide lot 52£3 x 162 into 4 lote. The north <br />M6P (Foss-Blanahard) the Cdunci~l thab bhey;:ap~rova `i:^.a <br />ma~or subdivlsion request of Pranois YHd~er, ~~12> Red Uak Drive, crcrdtinp, <br />4 lot~, the dimensions already stated, ~~rith the variance on the driveway <br />on I,ot 1 of 2 feet and a verianee on the gara~e setback oP 1.1 feet on <br />the back and .7 on the front, and utility e¢sement~ on the rear 2ot <br />lines of 5~'eet. The varZances on the 3etbacks for the lot froritagea <br />are due to hardahip situation~ because there.are homPS on both sldea <br />of Red Cai! Drivo; also *.o remove the drivevray from Lot 7. ~ ayes <br />~ PlOTF: t4r. Glazer atated for the record that the 10 foat easemenC tha~ <br />the sbaff recommended on Red Oak n:ive waa not 2•equoated so as'to preclude <br />plans to iriden Fied Oak DriVe. <br />