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1976-09-22 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-09-22 PC Minutes
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~%`;~ <br />_2_ <br />Iiumena A. I(oll <br />ProE~ert- y involvedc ~~13? rastvrood Rd <br />~ Minor 3ubdivision (1 loC into 2) <br />The lot presently io 4C>tWx 101.2G. Tho requeat la tb divido into two <br />lota, bhe lot feainP Stmnyeide P,oad on the orast wi11 be 234.03 x 1Q1.2G, <br />and the one frontin~; rastwood Road to Ue 23u.04 x 101.2G. <br />DiSP (t4nc1<eben-Ze~per) to reoommond to bhe Cnun~11 that L-hoy approve the <br />rtiinor oubdivieior. of Rup;ene A. Koll, 81~3? raetwood Itoad, divi.din p, the prop- <br />erty into ttac lots, thc one fronting Sunnysi~e to i~e 101..26 x 234.03 and the <br />one fronting Isautu~ood to be 101.2o x 234•04> with a 5 foot easement on <br />the renr of eacli pioperty line. <br />3 ayes <br />NorUert htoe <br />3~roper~y~volved: d373 ~ 8~79 Re3 OAIt Driva <br />f4a~or aubdivision (1 lot into 9j <br />T:iis is a ma,jor subdivieton - ideyer3on Oaka Addition an3 applioant <br />is Leroy L. Meyerson. He has submitted a sketch px~oposal of a ma~ar <br />aubdiviaion. The nropo3A1 io to subdivide one lot 42D.2 x~105 into <br />9 lote, 5 lots of O1 x 2~4, frontln6 Sunnynide Road and 4 lote, two f19.5 x <br />239 lot, ane 112 x 239 lot and one 114 x 2~9. <br />Staff e~atad thAt platuxing cunslderation~ are: thut ser~iice~ are provided <br />Cor all lots fronting 9unnys3de and r~re avnilaBle for lotrt fi~onting Red <br />,,•~ ~ak. All lotn frqnting Sunny~ide will have substandard f'ror,tages t~ut <br />I` ~ meet area requirementcs. 5 foot utility e~sements along trie rear of all <br />`.~,.~ lots are necoosary and an additional 10~ +ttility easement along Fed Oak <br />Drive is also necessary. <br />M3. Haako told applicant to 6o ahead and ura~a up the prelindnary p1at. <br />Victor I~oeffler <br />~opert~nvolved: 8338 Long Lalce Road <br />Minor subdivisi~n (1 lot into 2) <br />Presently the lot is ~2Q.09 x 100,O1. npplicant is requestin~ tvio lntcs, <br />the west lot to be 100.01 x 195 and the easc ].ot or1.7.7. hF 101.01 x 235•~3 <br />on the south lot line. The iiorth lot 11ne wi11 Ue 201.~14 feet deep. <br />The shed on the easb lot muot be removed. <br />f4SP (IIUrme13*.er-Rlanchard) to recommerad to Che Councll that they approve <br />L-he miner subdivision c: Vietor Loefflcrr, a33~ Long Lalce Road, as <br />de~cribeQ aUOVe; Che east lot ori.l.l have to have ~I~I.~17 utility and drainage <br />ea~ement, west back lot erill have a 5 foot utility ar.d drainaee eaoement; <br />the east lot preeently has a shed on it ~~rhich w111 have to be removed <br />before any developrrent oecuro. ~ ayeo <br />P~ir. Gla~er recommended that once ttie drainage line is eatabl?.ahed that, <br />th~ City relinquish the unneeded portion of th~ easement. <br />..., <br />~~ <br />u;a r..:.... .. <br />
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