,ia '~ ,
<br />~ . `~ ~ !
<br />s,R~,'r . ~'*.." ,`~ CC'JAAST~~K & "DAYI$, 1~6C. ~
<br />~ , .~
<br />,>: +.y,' ~. ~. ' ~. ~ , . NMOOUNTYIWAD•~" rn1 L7 l'~/ LS Il U ~
<br />. ~ i ~ ~ . " P ' • MIMNfAMNY. MINNf10TA ~61C ( ~
<br />~~i•-~.. : ,.. ~ t. . II .¢ T\L~ W.~NO 1 D~ 1 1 I 1` r
<br />~ '• CQ-dSUL71iVE3 EMalNE~~S 1..1 u SEB 21978 U
<br />~ '~ .
<br />~ " • , 3eptember 2~.1976 p~ ~y~}, p{j
<br />`.,;.~ , , , : ` j , , Y'11 ~~ ~~IYIri7 71~
<br />~'°~ Daqr 4lelding 8 tLtsl Fahricator~e~ Inc. .
<br />~ ;;, a'; 9851 Duluth SCregt
<br />c
<br />~.y ~'~a4~ifrN+'Aolt~~ )tiocuota 55~22
<br />;W~
<br />•,,'~:,Y ~fi Yiogoeed 8avelopynC a¢ Lot A+ Noanda Viex IndueerSal 8ark
<br />. d, .
<br />;~ "•~'~~e~u,t7~rns ~
<br />'~. ~~ Ao ycti Aequsat~d.' {iadasedsy, Saptewbes 1~ 1976, wa hava revlasied the propoead
<br />a dey7.opewnt plmx ta detexmina 4 Qmthod ng hsndll.ng et:cizu water runoff to camply
<br />,•,~,.~,• wieL efie, xa,quirewears oP tiia Rice ~reek Hatezehed Hoard and tha Cit,y af Mwnde .
<br />° Ylar. ,~
<br />~~.13re "Pxot P7en Dralaaga Plan" which you lsft with ue indicatee that Yha eouth .
<br />'•~; 350, fdme o! "thp" lot ie to be devalppa~t and•the semeindar oP tha lot xill be ].aPe
<br />t:•in Aa ~mdevalaped ntate. The follqiing calculatiuna fnr etocw wster runoff aad
<br />~R~a-uretgntion sra hased an deveiopiag the eauth 350 feeC ot tha lot and.loaviag ehe
<br />•:., h:,~sak-iiader lot ia en undavelopad etete.
<br />. ,
<br />ti~±'',OUC colcuLiiuas indiceYU ihae the total ~ite ie approxim3tely 8.1 acrea.and tha
<br />.; ;,y.~in~elapad parC..n af ihc aiic u122 be approhimat~ly 3.51 e~cren. OE the.developed
<br />`aire~ 1.1A6 scr~n vill Ue ~od, 0.966 acree wi~l be building~ end 1.36 ecrae wlll
<br />"~ bn y~rki.t~a loto m~d drivavaqa. '
<br />~ ,:,~,
<br />~,_
<br />,~~;~VY'~~7,s tollwing Qe~1~a calculationu axe Uaead oa'preveating ehe xeea oP sunoft Eram
<br />'~'*t~;th~ propaxtp~ dur4ng a 3A0 year lraqueacy, 24 hour duraklan rainfal7., excead4vg ~
<br />~' ~:,
<br />s. "• the sun~Pt that irould be e~ectad froes the'pxoperty in it~ pceaep[ etata. ,,
<br />"{p~,°A~ "6i ~ ' ..; .i ; ; . , . . , ~ ~ ..
<br />~~t.;,~qp sathode 'of celculating ehia additiaial r~ayoPf fiav'e'heen mad'e. ,Tlia liret ie
<br />..~eNd aa pravid7ng etorage for the~addtCionel,z~moPf tdat would occur during the • .
<br />`~ .•~DO y.aar fraquency, 24 hous rainfall. Fox theee calcu2at1ai0~ kha 24 houx rein- !
<br />4,•tali durtng a 100,qea; fsequmacy etocm is.eix lnchee. Tha rimolY cos~ficlent for .°.
<br />`4•r ~ rhi pxearat rlte during a]AO yeer ntoxm itae fxen aaeumed to ba A,L'f. Tqa ruuoE# , -~'
<br />~'.r~+ ctieltictwe for dee,~ga te~dbadiafone aaaumad,to ~e 0.9 4oi'parkiag loto aad rao£e
<br />,r!.,;;:+xnd'0.]5 4os 8rera~ and'apan rKaae: 'Tlcn yxeeeat sunofi ie ca2aulata~ ae £ollare: ~,
<br />~'~ ,~a zsaoF! !o neza l~aet ~s asgreeeed e4 tha r~mofS coaftielenC timge d~pth uf "'
<br />raiufall iq.feat ilmex Area in 6ccea sito.with the (0.15 x 0.5 ~t 8.1 0 0.61 acra
<br />feeC). ; Tlu,,eYpocend zwoEP txou the eite' Wi.th tlie pxopaead:8avelopmaat an the es~ "~
<br />~baale Sa'ae follwe: For buildllnga md ptlckSng 2otc (0,9 x 0'.5 x 2.326 . 1.047
<br />.'~ ~cre feed). For graeey areeo. (0.15 x 0.5 Y S+a34 ~ 0.43 d~re faeC). Th~ total ~:,,
<br />nmofY expaeted on thu d~velcyad r~ita 1s 1.477 acra f.eaC. The diPfereaca 6stx~eu .
<br />tha nnoff q;lth proposed develtr{+ment uP 1.~+77,ar.ra Peot and ehe preeent ~xpocted~
<br />•'.,,: s~mnPf 0.61 acsr~ ~eet ia 0.613 acre Pa~t ar 35~400 culiic feat. Ueiug ihie deaipa.
<br />• a pmdtag asea o! 35.b00 cubic £ept should bo pr.ovidad to Yata1A the runolf that .`
<br />"'' + troul~l occus ~i~ ~a~cc~e~ oF th~ pseeeat exp~cead runotP. Th~a dasign aesumes thst ''
<br />- 4,i the waeer mPt~r a 100 year eton wwld porcol¢Ca lntn the eoil bpfore ana[her '~ ~,~
<br />.~! virsiLr hrovy rainla3l would occur. ~.
<br />y , ~
<br />-. . : ~
<br />. ~.
<br />~, , ,
<br />...r.: ~ • . . . ~ . . ,
<br />~H~ ..~ , ' .i , . ~.. ~ J ' . . . ..
<br />. ~
<br />`M~Yriilo`wT~ .....o ...r... .. . . ... .. +~~ ~ . ........ ~ . . ..
<br />