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<br />~~,;May,~'''~ 11•i ' .•~1,,r~ ., ''",. ;~ .,~~;";;,'.' ,~ .~~~. ;.. ~ ':,,' ," :,, , '. . '~`
<br />.711".l Y1_: •.,. +~ r v,
<br />•~'"1"~w ~iecaad ~wti~od~~l~dat~rminizlg a mrthoA'ot"preventicg cawo!! in ~xc~~s o! tM '~
<br />~~ ~~p~k zaC~ ~q a~'£ollaros ' Ueing 'kh~ r~intall ineonel.t7 duratloa troqwnaq curva~
<br />:" ~~•:~i~a aeLar7aaA` ~tc~to, Lor e]AO yasr:ir~queneq ctoa~m ead wsrumimg th~C t6o'poak L9 h ~
<br />i~ ~~,: ~~w~iw' fatwultq. ratnLali ocr.use N~~, houp ettZs th~ fisYt oipaificwk''raiyf!all md .~
<br />Y~; ;, ', ~lnrt opn tAlyd ot. Lhe raiafal} Palis in, th~~'f,tist houx tor my rain' duraGioa up to •'~' '
<br />~"• °Tt~it`ss hours~ a h~dsograph'~can 6e devalopad [o datasurlno Lha emouuC .aF sunoP¢. 8ueh ' ~.
<br />.+~`, :~e'hy1}ic~saph ludf.cet~d rliad ai`t~x' 70 mt~}ttCSe qP raiute2l, tha ruuot! KSll br about '• ~~.'"
<br />4'~';~ 1~rS~W.cwb~a Ppst *nd sErer SOA:ni.nueam otirainfall, ths rimofE Kould h~ appr~i-' _
<br />~'~;~;~Ktily,9?,600 cu6lct[aat. .Alam.,the avaraga'.~mofP betwoou 300 ~md'14~ minutm .,:'~, .,-t
<br />'~~,~,~ aPt~r t,be ral.q."'h~asb will ha abnut 3.7d~ cubie feat per eacond. Thiq ~vasaga
<br />,~~ I~~ iintot~' ot 1:76,cubic PneC,ger serarid du~ing the 1G0 en 140 minuta prrxodyptt~r .
<br />>„ •, ,~ha rctnlall'atesYr camparau' favo{ably wid~ Gce •axpected suximi~m ruaot2 mtlcipaCad ,'~,
<br />~:-`Cor tha pi•esa~ai siCa H1~Srh haa Uuen cslculatsd'ne follwe: Baeed on a tima oE ' ,
<br />~'" ~cqeenirati~ 'Qf ]5 minuCaa ko tho a~tlrt'of thw eite wing a 100 year fzsqueacq
<br />;%~~ ~~ q~ozlt e p~caeeut eiCe. Rho ruaofi• iaucubicdfaet F r~aco ~e£can ba£eap e~eed by ~
<br />:~~,'r the rati0aal lormu3h q~CYA xhen Q~r~moff in Cubic feet par'eecand. C~runotP'coa!_ ~ •
<br />`• ~•f9cient. I~r~tell inteasiiy in inamae per hour aad A~thn axea 1n'acres. The •
<br />M~~`.`~~eupected pran~nt peak ruuofE; Dnead on tha ebwo, Se ao fnllowes 0.05 z 6.6 z 8.1a .
<br />,.; ;~,~;i.f~7 cubSc feet ger eec~nd. Fuzeher calculatiun~ on tha ebovr hydrogrsph indicate ,
<br />%; ¢hax,tha anlnfell xuaoPP oe 2.67 cubic feet per secoad w1Yl occur. apPimdmateiy 100
<br />''~ `:M•ty~p~eg ~~r.'t]ie raiafal7,dm ~ta:tad when•there ie appro~cimaYely 35,600 cu61c
<br />'~,'y~;:j:,,: teet of xucar !a1 the holding Paad'e. , ~ ~
<br />•r;J ,,~~1vn~fora;~1£,'tha holding poflds were daei~ed to reeein thie'emaunC.oE watar~ ', •'~
<br />'"~ °j~4, 35~G00 eubic Feet, rLe r~aeoff P.rom the aite e6wld.be ~+se [hen 2.67.cublc fest ,,,
<br />per aecond. An oeerflw veir io allow nddl.tiaeal water to eempa it.the iate oE "
<br />~i~,; 3.b7 cubxa feeC per eeccmd aith the length of threa Eoot.~ciould heva ea.wertlow °.'+ •
<br />~~•v 1","' depth p£ 0."4 L9mt. YE ZEOLdLD$ ~70~a9' wss;o caneeructed 300 £eet long hy 6C Peee 1, '. R
<br />"r-;, ,wiaa bj•2 loot ~aeap, Chay would coutatn 35,600 eub~.c foo~, oP nnolY,. In addf.tian ~ ~'
<br />'{,',~,', to tha tvo PooR,o# ~u+pth requ3.xed 0.4 Peet'ehould be addad f~r.warPlw weir capacit~
<br />V, J+.a .'-'a}~d anuthor si7[ inchae ox ~o ohoul~ be addad for free-boatd.,abwe the' top of.thm
<br />"'~"~ ;ke7.x ko ¢rrvamc wates £zam'$uing arV~d the obetflow aeir.' ~
<br />t qa~: ,•t i;. r ,~• ;,. , ~~. ~ .r ' :•~;• . ' ; , ~..~
<br />~! y; r.1Ue undav.loped portiaa o~ th4 eite eh~ould bq gtadad ead ceaded ta pseveat aSn~l ",
<br />~,•~.y; ~roeian 'of tLe eand: Ae futuza ~valopiaent<occµse'in Chie area, add~tional .,~ ~~
<br />{r, ., eaora vati~r p'andin6 srea ouy~hava to be psoY;dda.` " '
<br />. ~. '+ „
<br />x'~~r'Ii ~ou'bave +:a7 qt~etl6os~ or ase~! edditionel data. do not hpoitatu.to coakset ue. :''„
<br />!r' ,,. . _ ~ '
<br />. n.,'
<br />, Vary Cxuly youre; ~ ~ • ,
<br />~~' . +u ~
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